Time: Tue Nov 05 07:46:30 1996
To: byronw@pop.dn.net
From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]
Subject: High MPG

At 08:51 AM 11/5/96 -0500, you wrote:
>Hi Paul,
>Take a look at: http://www.inett.com/himac.
>There is a lot of information about high MPG devices.


I will, as soon as I can.
I was talking with a friend
who is a good building contractor,
and he told me about the use of
the Pogue carburetor in the 
Desert Storm war.  The Army
mechanics were under strict orders
not to dis-assemble the devices;
they were to be installed and
removed as a unit, and there
were warnings printed on the
units themselves, telling mechanics
to "KEEP OUT".  Very interesting ...

/s/ Paul Mitchell

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