Time: Wed Nov 06 05:04:25 1996
To: floyd@fwshackelford.com
From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]
Subject: The Federal Zone - latest edition

Dear Floyd,

Insure $25.00 in cash or blank
U.S. Postal Money Order to the
shipping address at the end.
I will certify the electronic
copy you will receive, on 3.5"
DOS disks, in two formats:
native .DOC (MS-WORD for DOS, 
Version 5.0B), and .TXT (vanilla
ASCII, with paragraph marks at
the end of each line).  

Thanks for your interest, and
for your kind words.

/s/ Paul Mitchell

At 11:57 PM 11/5/96 +0700, you wrote:
>A while back I sent you a check to your California address for a copy
>of "The Federal Zone" made out to your organization (I forget what it
>was called), but you returned it to me indicating that the IRS and your
>bank messed up your organization's bank account and that I should resend
>the check to you personally.  Well, I resent the check, but the letter
>was returned unopened indicating that you were no longer at that address.
>Well, I would still like a copy of the latest electronic edition of
>your "The Federal Zone" - and anything else you've written recently
>for that matter.  I have a home page and I'd like to add an html'ized
>version of "The Federal Zone" to it - if you approve.

I cannot give you this permission,
because we are building a master
web site with the help of an 
Internet expert.  The version now
on the Internet is a bootleg
version which was loaded there
without permission of the author.

/s/ Paul Mitchell

>I noticed that "The Federal Zone" was cited in "U.S. v. Lopez".  I have
>not read the case.  In your opinion, what support does their reference
>to the "The Federal Zone" give to your arguments and conclusions in "The
>Federal Zone"?

Total ... the best.
The term is now a household
word among the judges of the
U.S. Supreme Court.

  I would think that if the Supreme Court referenced "The
>Federal Zone" as an accurate document, that would go far in providing
>credibility to it.  Most people I have shown "The Federal Zone" to simply
>can't believe it.

It's true.  Check the cites yourself.
The Supreme Court received a complimentary
copy when they were served with a formal
Notice and Demand to Cease and Desist.
That Notice is the first letter in 
Appendix P.

/s/ Paul Mitchell

  If I could show them a statement from the Supreme Court 
>demonstrating approval of your work in that book, then it might help them
>to take it more seriously.

They must read all of Lopez, then
they will understand.  For example,
"Even the minoritiy agrees that
Congress has no general police
power within the several States."

Want more?

/s/ Paul Mitchell

>I would also like to keep in touch with you.  There appears to be a growing
>number of informed Americans "congregating" in Arizona.  I am beginning my
>process of returning my SSN application.  I have done some study and I am
>convinced that it is strictly a voluntary system (how could it be otherwise?).

Of course it is.  We have
tons of documentation on this 
one point.

>So I and my family are "volunteering" out.  Besides, I signed up as a minor,
>so how is that binding?

Can't be.  You enjoy the
Right of Election as of
your date of majority.
You are only now exercising
that Right, after the fact.

/s/ Paul Mitchell

>I am very interested in the right-to-travel issue.  The more I look into it,
>the more convinced I am of yet another scam perpetrated upon the American
>people.  I'd like any information you have on that as well.

Contact Richard Ginn at:


for the URL to an excellent brief.
I have it somewhere, but it is
buried in the avalanche of inbound
email I receive every day.  Check
with Richard;  he is a fine 
gentleman, indeed, and he will
help you.

/s/ Paul Mitchell

>Floyd W. Shackelford
>www.....:  www.fwshackelford.com
>Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains
>and slavery?  Forbid it, Almighty God!  I know not what course others may
>take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death.
>    Patrick Henry:  Speech in the Virginia Convention, March 23,1775

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