Time: Thu Nov 07 20:29:56 1996
To: "Robert A. (Bob) Phipps, Sr." <bphipp@pernet.net>
From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]
Subject: Roger Cravens

Dear Bob,

You either don't have the whole 
story, or you misinterpreted 
what I have already written and
posted.  I asked him several
times to take me off his private
email list, and he did not.
I did admit to making the mistake
of thinking he was still posting
directly to me, when in fact he
was simply posting to lists we
shared.  Did you miss this 
admission on my part?  After that
flap subsided, I then found that
he had started again to post 
directly to me.  That was the point
at which I escalated, because I felt
there was no justification for him
to have placed me back on his private
list, particularly after our mutual
"flap."  You are certainly entitled
to you opinion, but I wanted you to
have a smattering of both sides, before
coming to final conclusions.  Last but
not least, there is this ugly matter
of CDC involvement in the Gulf War
Illnesses.  I would certainly like to
know what he actually knew about that;
of course, we may never know that,
given what is not coming to the fore
about that syndrome, and its contagious
properties.  I hope this helpful to you.
For your information, I have posted a 
RED ALERT about the Gulf War Illnesses,
based in part upon Captain Joyce Riley's
published research on same.  I hope you
are out of danger and not exposed in any
way.  I have family members who are being
exposed rather directly.

/s/ Paul Mitchell

At 04:55 PM 11/2/96 -0600, you wrote:
>Mr. Mitchell:
>I find your call for action against Roger Cravens to be ridiculous &
>offensive.  Roger provides a valuable service in monitoring and forwarding
>information on events many of us would never otherwise be aware of.
>Your complaint that you continue to receive his postings from lists "you
>both belong to" is particularly ludicrous.  If you don't like what you get
>from a list, unsubscribe from that list.
>Please take me off any mailing list of yours you may have me on immediately.
>I'm also requesting I receive no more of your drivel from lists "we both
>belong to"  -  I'll be interested to see how you accomplish this selected
>feat since I don't intend to unsubscribe from anything.
>With disgust,
>Bob Phipps

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