Time: Fri Nov 08 04:53:39 1996
To: william barry <wbarry@loa.com>
From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]
Subject: 9 GB single letter drive

At 04:07 AM 11/8/96 -0500, you wrote:
>>Hi Paul have you made a final decision on the Dual Pentium w 9 Gig drive.
>Are you going to run Win n.T. 4.0 that way you can have 4 K cluster size.
>Not too big for a 9 gig drive. I have had great luck with the CSC SCSI II
>and SCSCI III controller card it's PCI and takes both SCSI II and SCSI III
>has both cable connectors 50 pin and 68 pin. Suuper fast and

Ah, yes, music to my ears,
approaching Mozart on a 
warm summer's day.

/s/ Paul Mitchell

Let me know wht finally decide on I would be extremely curious.
>I know you'll love N.T. 4.0 with the Dual setup<G>

Looks like Seagate/Barracuda 9GB,
with 8ms access time, plus SCSI-III.
Thanks for the CSC advice.  We are
also looking at Adaptec, dual-ported
model.  Right now, it's a toss-up
between NT and Windows 95 Version 950b.
We will eventually migrate to RAID,
but RAID controllers are a waste when
you have only 1 hard disk.  We will 
save the money for a JAZ drive, or two,
which runs great off SCSI controllers
also.  I am very hesitant to dump all
my application software, it that is
what I must expect for NT.  I have a
very big investment in software and
data;  I want to keep working with what
I have, but move to a single letter 
drive, so I can continue loading my
FREEDOMS directory, e.g.


I want this to get very big, of course,
then we can announce our Supreme Law
School on-line.  More later on that, ok?

/s/ Paul Mitchell


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