Time: Fri Nov 08 05:35:13 1996
To: tab@hollyent.com
From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]
Subject: States' Grades Wanted

>It would be helpful if there was 
>a WebSite that graded States on
>their respective Constitutional 
>merits and adherences, like members
>of Congress are graded on how they
>vote on gun issues in the excellent
>GOA brochure.
>In Liberty Only,

Yes, it has been my belief for some
time now that the federal government
should abandon the abortion issue
and leave it up to the states to
decide.  I expect that the Most High
Creator will reward the states which
promote life, and punish the states
which promote death.  Within 10 years
of this new policy, there will be
massive population shifts away from
the pro-abortion states, as disease,
famine, pestilence, and a host of
other plagues ravage them endlessly.
Just my belief, however.  Please don't
mistake this for fact (yet).

/s/ Paul Mitchell

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