Time: Fri Nov 08 17:52:49 1996
To: bigred@duracef.shout.net
From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]
Subject: Eyewitness to Gulf War Anti-Nerve Gas Pills

Sounds like a lie to me.
Just my opinion, however.

/s/ Paul Mitchell

>To whom it may concern:
>I have read many of the articles forwarded and find it increasingly
>disturbing the more I read of the "Gulf War Cover Ups". When I was
>serving in the Marine Corps during the Gulf War, my unit was issued
>these "little pills" that were supposed to "protect" us in the event of
>a surprise chemical attack. As it turns out, the pills we were taking
>are also known as NAPS. Forgive me for not remembering the actual naming
>convention, but the essential part is that the pill itself was a nerve
>agent designed to "occupy" 33% of our nerve cells for a period of 8-10
>hours. The theory was that if a surprise attack happened and we could
>not get to suitable equipment, only 66% of our Nerve cells would be
>destroyed leaving the NAPS infested 33% "alive after the 8-10 hour
>period. To this day there is no mention in my medical recoerd regarding
>the pills....

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