Time: Sat Nov 09 14:03:39 1996
To: libertylaw@www.ultimate.org
From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]
Subject: My Ode to Norman

     My Ode to Norman

As my judge/client once said,

"If you don't own a Glock by now,
 you had better get one, and 
 learn how to use it.  Here,
 practice with mine for now."

Whereupon, he handed me his M-1
and pointed to a pie-tin target
100 yards up the adjacent hill.

"You'll like this rifle," he said.
"We won a World War with it."

Whereupon, I squeezed off 5 shots,
and heard that pie-tin "ping" 5 times
in a row.  The barrel was too
long to blow away the smoke with
my breath.  

"Not bad for a rank amateur," he said,
smiling as he joked about my nerves.

It was then that I remembered how
my father had spoken often of this
gun: sturdy, reliable, and accurate.

"You just gotta have a sense of humor
 about these pie-tins," he laughed,
 as he drew out his stainless 45 automatic
 and emptied the clip into the figure
 target 20 yards to our right.

"Hi capacity," he called it.

That smoke was easily dispersed by
his long-winded exhale.

He had quit smoking decades earlier.

Just then, the dinner gong sounded,
and his trusty Wolf hound came bounding
over, running circles around both of us,
then diving between our legs. 

She just loved to play, every moment 
of the day or night.  

These animals were such a joy to Norman,
and he treated his human friends just
as well:  love, respect, and kindness,
every moment of the day or night.

/s/ Paul Mitchell

>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> Date: Thu, 31 Oct 96 09:19:21 EST
>>> From: Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx
>>> Subject: Re: Conspiracy Nation -- Vol. 9 Num. 57
>>> Brian, not for attribution please:
>>> Don McAlvany's newsletter of this past Sept featured research
>>> on this disease from many sources. There *were* some chemical
>>> contamination, but primarily biological. And new, trial, vaccinations
>>> on the troops show hard evidence of causing some of the illnesses.
>>> For children born to Gulf war veterans to have many times more
>>> deformations and deaths can not be due to chemicals - but biological
>>> warfare.
>The GWS virus, was developed and packaged in Boca Raton, Florida.
>     An owner to the company providing security found out,
>albeit haphazardly, of the conspiracy.  He was eventually
>flown to the White House to meet with the president to
>explain how he had come upon his information.  Bush was in
>residence at the time.
>     This individual was evenutually offered a large amount
>of money to "keep quiet" as to his findings.  When he
>disagreed, he found FBI agents knocking on his doors, both at
>his residence and the office of his business.  The carted
>away boxes and boxes of information, little of it having to
>do with the issue at hand.
>     Peter (his name) eventually lost his wife, his business
>and his home, all as a result of his attempt to warn what he
>at the time considered to be his government of an impending
>biological problem
>     Peter has since filed suit against the FBI in an attempt
>to retrieve his personal belongings.  The gov. has
>stonewalled him, claiming "national defense" as their reason
>for not returning such.  He has sued them in the USDC where
>he has been stonewalled.
>>> When the federal government admits to a lessor evil, it is to avoid
>>> and continue to coverup a far greater evil. Only this biological
>>> destruction (both Saddam's weapons and our own vaccinations) will
>>> not go away. It only seems to spread to families and others.
>     Why do you think Saddam's own brother and his family
>"defected" to the "west"?  People in Kuwait and Irag are
>"dying like flies", so it has been reported by doctors with
>whom Peter has been in contact in that part of the world. 
>I'm no biologist, but Peter has learned a lot about Biology
>in the last few years.  Here are some of the interesting
>issues dealing with GWS.
>It has a single attribute of the AIDS virus, like someone had
>gone into the AIDS virus and surgically removed only the
>portion of the DNA which causes Immune System shutdown.
>It has a seven year shelf life/life span - out of any host.
>symptoms are nausea, stomach ache, shaking, and sweats.  A
>low grade fever may also accompany.
>>> One item of great interest is that the French alone do not suffer
>>> ANY Gulf war illnesses. NONE. The difference? They did not take
>>> the experimental vaccinations given to the other country's forces,
>>> and they *did* take shots of a common anti-bacteria agent of some sort
>>> (I forget the name, but this is in Don McAlvany's newsletter).
>     I believe the English don't either.  The reason for this
>is as some have alluded, is because they were pulled out of
>the theater of attack and held in reserve.
>>> Before I subscribed to the newsletter I received a free copy, and maybe
>>> that still is possible. 1-800-525-9556. I have no financial interest.
>>> There is some hope for veterans, and contacting Joyce Riley is
>>> the first step I'd take. Some veterans have been helped by a number
>>> of tacks. The key is recognizing what the true source of the illness
>>> is.
>     Peter Kawaja has since moved to North Carolina.  I
>haven't heard from him since he left, but I know he does a
>lot of radio talk shows on short wave.
>     Oh, as a quick aside, The FBI was out here investigating
>Peter in connection with the bombing at the Olympics.  A
>number of individuals were visited by them.  A single woman,
>an acquaintence of mine, was visited between ten thirty and
>eleven in the evening.  And then a friend of mine's home was
>visited while he was at work.
>Ah well, as a judge in the county court here said "you just
>gotta have a sense of humour about this kind of thing
>     With regards
>     In search of truth and knowledge, I am
>     William Gordon of the family "Kay."

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