Time: Sat Nov 09 14:25:53 1996
To: "Dr.Memory" <uhclem@usit.net>
From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]
Subject: PMRS update

>Dear Mr. Totty,
>OK, I'll bite.
>What can I do??

Organize a study group of people
interested in this subject, and
propose that the group prepare
and sign their own FOIA request
for all the PMRS records.  Maybe
you too will get the infamous
Mark L. Zolton letter, admitting
that there are no records for
some of the "awards," because
they were paid in cash.  Maybe by
then, Zolton's "cash" admission
will have become federal boilerplate.

In earnest,
/s/ Paul Mitchell

attaching FOIAGUID.ZIP in BinHex encoding.

> There's so much comedy on television. 
> Does that cause comedy in the streets?        
>                       -- Dick Cavett 
>When cryptography is outlawed, bayl bhgynjf jvyy unir cevinpl.

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