Time: Sat Nov 09 15:17:44 1996
To: "Dr.Memory" <uhclem@usit.net>
From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]
Subject: Re: what to do?

At 04:43 PM 11/9/96 -0500, you wrote:
>From: tab@hollyent.com
>Date: Sat, 9 Nov 1996 11:48:38 -0700 
>Subject: LoFi LP (like the vinyl hifi records of yesterday)
>To: uhclem@usit.net
>================[ Distributed Message ]================
>         ListServer: TAB (Take America Back Mail List)
>               Type: Not Moderated
>     Distributed on: 09-NOV-96, 11:48:22
>Original Written by: IN:pmitch@primenet.com.
>LP spokesman was interviewed on
>Tucson, Arizona local television.
>His beard needed trimming, his hair
>needed combing, and he was speaking
>about something inane.
>I thought this was very close to 
>my own repeated experiences with
>LP members.  
>/s/ Paul Mitchell
>I guess I could go on the offensive here, but I won't.
>You've probably already gone over the conversation in your head
>Y'know we're all fighting for the same thing.
>And we all have an idea that we each think is the best
>Many in the movement are tough enough to go right up against
>the monster. Others stay back and fight via other means.
>I would never say that you should give up your fight & join me in 
>mine. Why do you ask that of me?
>There are quite a few disheveled weirdos in the various movements 
>popping up of late. 
>Perhaps you might look beyond some(if not most) of the wild-eyed libertarians
>you've met and see that we're on the same side, just fighting the beast from
>differing angles.
>I've read all your legal stuff on the list & I think it's real cool that
>some folks will sacrifice for their fellow man. Some will get right down &
>dirty fightin' the bastards...
>I won't be one. I will probably get swallowed up by 'um. I may call you or
>someone like you to help me, but now I'm too stupid or scared to get too
>involved in it.
>I'm thankful there are people like you out there & that I am blessed with
>the use of this wonderful tool, (my computer & the net.)

Hi Doc,

I know.  It's a choice 
we shouldn't have to make --
tangling with a beast is
certainly not something 
I would want the children
to embrace with open arms.

/s/ Paul Mitchell

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