Time: Sun Nov 10 13:03:46 1996
To: DotHB@aol.com
From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]


I think we've got him covered.
Thank you for your assistance.

/s/ Paul Mitchell

At 02:25 PM 11/10/96 -0500, you wrote:
>Dear Mike:
>I am posting the two messages from you so that those who perhaps
>did not receive them will have the full background to read.
>I AM ASKING that if there is ANYONE out there who can help YOU - 
>Mike  Kemp,  the co-founder of the Gadsden Minutemen, Gadsden, 
>Alabama, to please come forward.  
>Mike did not have an attorney to represent him and does need legal 
>assistance as well as ANYONE who can help him get medical advice.  
>Mike needs this help NOW since his sentencing will be held on
>November 25.  I am praying fervently that he will not have to go to
>Please READ the following messages from Mike Kemp - and respond 
>to him directly at minutemn@pcl.net.  
>Dot Bibee
>Mike Kemp wrote:
>To All:
>This afternoon a jury in Gadsden Alabama spent twenty minutes to 
>elect a jury foreman and convict Mike Kemp of possession of marijuana 
>in the second degree, *for personal possession.*   In a small favor, the 
>felony charge which had been brought was not sustained, but the lesser 
>included *personal possession* charge was.
>Sentencing will be Nov 25, and the jury nullification argument which 
>I made in closing will probably earn me a year in jail (the max) and 
>several thousand dollars in fines.   Federal funny money, that is.   I
>see another threat of contempt coming on.
>To all of you who have sweated and thought and prayed over this
>for and with me, goes my undying gratitude.
>I am a casualty. I have walked point for some time, and I know  the 
>fate of those in front.   I gave myself up for lost the day I opened my 
>mouth in public.
>Bob Starr, also convicted today on a MUCH heavier fall, is also a 
>casualty.   However, Bob Starr was absolutely innocent. At least I have 
>the consolation of knowing that I knowingly, willingly, actively violated 
>a statute.   True, the statute was absurd, unlawful, and unconstitutional;
>however, I knew going in what I faced by playing the way I did.   Bob 
>Starr was simply a sacrificial lamb.
>Patrick Henry stirred the people of his day when he saw a casualty- a
>preacher, who failed to beg license, was convicted of violating a 
>statute and punished- he was scourged to death. Patrick Henry's 
>response to the casualty was *GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH.* 
>Ladies and gentlemen, it sounds cheap and corny, but I mean this 
>from my very angry heart- I REGRET THAT I HAVE BUT ONE LIFE TO 
>I have mentioned this before. We can expect no justice, no legitimacy 
>from the courts, nor any other government institution. To do so is not 
>only foolish, but highly damaging.   When we act as though there is 
>justice, we give legitimacy to an illegitimate institution.
>Which treason is worse- treason by those in the courts and govern-
>ment, or the treason WE demonstrate by allowing the usurpers to 
>continue with the patina of respectability? It is a sad day for us all.
>My favorite cartoon of all time is a WIZARD OF ID, where the king 
>and his lackey are walking down a sidewalk when they come upon 
>a  peasant carrying a sign: GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH.
>The king turns to his lackey, and says: *Exercise his option.*
>I must disagree with the late, great Mr. Henry-   I expect to be given 
>nothing.   I choose Liberty, knowing that the price is death.
>In Liberty, in prison or at home,
>Mike Kemp
>Mike Kemp writes:
>I am an insulin dependent diabetic, arthritic, and suffer from gran mal
>seizures. For some twenty five years I have provided my own counsel 
>on medical matters. Only in the most minimal degree have I sought the
>services of a licensed physician, only for the prescriptions for 
>phenobarbital and Dilantin (phenytoin). Occasionally I have had to 
>subject myself to an examination (pay for an office visit) to get the
>medication, but I have not sought nor accepted their advice.
>Yesterday, I was declared criminally incompetent to mangage my 
>medical affairs. I suppose that, considering I was my own physician, 
>and offered my services to NO one else, I was convicted of 
>administering an unauthorized medicine- to myself..  There was no complaint
>from the patient, but the state has acted on its own 
>This being the case, I fear that the state is taking on an awesome 
>and difficult burden. A ten percent overmedication with one of my 
>medicines, a product of the earth and available over the counter 
>(insulin), and I would be dead in a matter of some hours of insulin 
>shock (hypoglycemia) were I not to have access to other products 
>of the earth- carbohydrate foods.
>If I am undermedicated by ten percent, I will drift into diabetic 
>acidosis and be seriously damaged or die in a few weeks.  My eyes, 
>kidneys, and my extremeties will be at risk, as a minimum.
>Likewise, food, carbohydrates particularly, are a problem.  In my 
>insulin dependent diabetic condition, food is not LIKE medicine, it 
>IS medicine. I do not operate on a fixed schedule, and much of my 
>food intake is on an *as-needed, when needed* basis.  Should I fail 
>to eat enough carbohydrates at the proper time, I will die or be brain
>damaged by hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), immediately.   If I am 
>fed too much carbohydrate, I will drift into diabetic acidosis, with 
>damage to eyes, kidneys, extremeties, etc.
>I have little or no knowledge of how to prevent seizures without the 
>use of cannabis. :)  Dilantin has serious side effects, including rashes,
>headaches, neurological disturbances, and elevated blood sugar.  It is
>synthetic, and is damaging to kidneys and the liver.   Use in excess 
>of need is obviously hazardous,  and the process of determining the 
>proper amount is often discovered by trial and error- error resulting 
>in gran mal seizures. Even levels needed to control severe seizures 
>are toxic.
>Phenobarbital is another synthetic, a hypnotic, and highly addictive. 
>It is toxic to liver and kidneys.   Proper dosage is again a matter of 
>trial and error.  Excess dosage results in severe physical dependency, 
>a *drugged* condition, and severe problems, including seizures, should 
>the drug be removed.
>I cannot in good conscience lend my opinion to the state in managing 
>my illnesses. After all, they have declared me criminally incompetent, 
>and are soon to sentence me. If they jail me, see the above discussion. 
>If they don't, they will most likely put me on supervised probation 
>(piss tests). If I am in charge of my medication, I am not going, on my 
>own volition, expense, and peril, to tamper with the regimen which 
>prevents my seizures and maintains a proper blood sugar.
>Their piss tests will show this.  Having failed a piss test, probation 
>would be revoked, and I would go to jail. See the above discussion. 
>Hardball, anyone? Suggestions, anyone?
>In Liberty,
>Mike Kemp
>SO NOW, you know the story.  DISTRIBUTE this message as widely
>as possible - by EMail, FAX, Snail Mail - and by word of mouth.
>We must help MIKE and ALL of our fallen patriots ASAP.  
>THANKS .......DotHB@aol.com

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