Time: Mon Nov 11 19:25:12 1996
To: chuck44@juno.com
From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]
Subject: .BMP file


It has been my experience that
my Eudora Pro and your Juno
cannot share an attached file,
and I cannot merge it into
my email message.  So, we are 
stuck, unless you abandon Juno
and get onto an ISP which 
supports Eudora Lite, Eudora Pro,
or something compatible.  


/s/ Paul Mitchell

At 07:44 AM 11/11/96 CST, you wrote:
>	Hi Paul,
>If it is not over 61k (Juno's limit) I would love to have
>a copy sent (as regular E-Mail - not as an attached
>file) using  Uuencode or MIME - whichever would
>be the smaller message.
>		Best Regards,
>			         Chuck Melton

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