Time: Mon Nov 11 23:06:17 1996
To: Harvey Wysong <hwysong@atl.mindspring.com>
From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]
Subject: Re: A Veterans Day Prayer
Cc: Kay Ness <kness@avana.net>
Bcc: liberty lists

What an absolutely beautiful
prayer.  I have tracks right
below my eyes.  I can only
add "Amen" to this beauty,
this passion, and this love.

/s/ Paul Mitchell

At 12:48 PM 11/8/96 -0500, you wrote:
>Date: Tue, 12 Nov 1996 09:32:20 -0800
>From: Kay Ness <kness@avana.net>
>Subject: A Veterans Day Prayer
>A Prayer for Veterans on this day:
>Dear Lord,
>	I pray for your loving comfort and peace for all the Veterans
>of this great country.  Bring healing where it is needed.  
>	Let the American peoples' eyes be opened to the source of wars
>that have used our best and brightest in terrible ways, destroyed
>bodies and lives to satisfy the evil greed of a few.  
>	Let the veterans know that those of us whose eyes have been
>opened, fight with all our heart and soul to see that their sacrifices
>have not been in vain.
>	My grandfather fought in the trenches of France in World War I.
>He told us stories of having to wear boots in mud for months at a
>time, until the socks rotted inside the boots, while thousands died
>around him.  The true purpose of this war was not known to him, but
>he returned to live a quiet, Christian life and raise his family,
>supposedly following all the new rules imposed on the American people.
>Little did he know that his country had been already stolen in 1913
>and that those guns pulled by those big draft horses should have been
>aimed at the evil people in New York and Washington, the true enemies
>of the time, your true enemies on.
>	When I was sixteen, I watched Bobby Franklin die of lung cancer,
>a horrible and painful death.  Yet, those around me said he was a 
>casualty of World War II, having never recovered from those experiences.
>He never knew the real reason he was so grievously wounded....to plunge
>this country into tyranny.  There has to be a special place in hell
>for those who use people's own highest ideals and patriotism against
>them, to manipulate them for greedy, evil purposes.
>	From Korea and then to Vietnam, the manipulation continued.
>I have known so many wonderful men hurt by these wars.  Let them
>know that our love and caring for them is unbounded.  Let them find
>peace with the horrors they have experienced, so that they will be
>strong to lead this country back to its rightful place in your service.
>Let them know that, we who love them, though we cannot know the 
>experiences which have hurt them so, that if it was in our power,
>we would take that burden and carry it ourselves.  We cannot, I know.
>Only you can do that.  
>	Let them bring these burdens to you so they are strong to
>provide the leadership needed for the future of this country.  Please
>let no more talent be wasted by sadness, guilt and grief.
>	On this day, we honor all Veterans and pray your loving peace
>descends upon their hearts.
>	****************************************************
>	****************************************************
>	"There's no way to rule innocent men. The only power any 
>	government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, 
>	when there aren't enough criminals, one makes them. One 
>	declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes 
>	impossible for men to live without breaking laws."
>	-- Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged, Ch. III, "White Blackmail"
>	****************************************************
>	Harvey Wysong
>	National Spokesman, Fully Informed Jury Association
>	701 Longleaf Drive, Atlanta, Georgia 30342, U.S.A.
>	hwysong@mindspring.com        (404) 266-0930
>	****************************************************

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