Time: Tue Nov 12 18:51:37 1996
To: joseph.d.robertson@nhmccd.cc.tx.us
From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]
Subject: Re: Bored?


I just sent you an unsolicited
proposal concerning Habeas Corpus
and the Supreme Law Firm.

Can we put your proposal below
on the back burner for the 
time being?

I think you will see why if and
when you agree to our "evaluation
period" discussed in my prior

Welcome back!

/s/ Paul Mitchell

At 05:07 PM 11/12/96 -0600, you wrote:
>Tuesday, 12Nov96 @ 16:55 Hours CST
>     TO:       Paul Mitchell  
>     FROM:     Dale Robertson
>     SUBJECT:  Prior e-mail on Arizona UPLC 
>                 (unauthorized practice of law committee)
>On returning from a 10 day trip in celebration of my 33rd annaversary, I
>find received e-mail traffic to be prolific.
>Among the forrest of messages is the one below in reference to your now
>famous "I'm Bored" posting to which I responded with added request for
>data on the Arizona sunset commission and the Arizona UPLC. You made
>cursory response with a promise for more later when it became available
>(from, inter alia, your associates in Calif?).
>How about it? Any added comment or data on this subject. Any would be
>And do your know "pap" at: jpapania@asu.campus.mci.net ?. Perhaps you
>two should get together on some of the BAR actions around Arizona as
>well as UPLC actions elsewhere. I intend to communicate with him with an
>aim at replication of the action in Arizona in 1984 to other states (ie:
>Texas). There simply is no reasonable justification for the UPLC in any
>state in this nation except to bolster the monopoly of the state bar
>associations. Any networking suggestions on this topic will be
>Dale Robertson
>Below is the repost of the message in response to my post to your of
>some 4 weeks ago:
>Presiding JOP: Tom Clark, Constable: Robert Happy, Clerk: Kerry Rushing
>    This is in response to Dale Robertson's msg asking who was 
>responsible for the:
>> ... demise of the Arizona Supreme Court's State Bar Unauthorized
>> Practice of Law Committee. (UPLC) reportedly the sun has set on the
>> Arizona UPLC by the Arizona sunset commission. See my recent post to
>> your on this subject.
>    The AZ bar UPL committee wasn't  "sunsetted".  It was the state 
>statute making it a crime to "practice law" without a bar card that 
>was sunsetted.
>    Accoding to former Phoenix JOP Don Weisenberger, a well-know and 
>respected non-lawyer judge who now owns and operates Legal Assistance 
>and Tax Service here in Phoenix, the UPL statutes were sunsetted in 
>1984 when key people in the state legislature got into a feud with 
>key people in the state bar association.   Under AZ sunset laws, the 
>UPL statute either had to be voted up or it died automatically.  The 
>key lawmakers simply bottled it up in committee where it  died an 
>ignominious but well-deserved death.  RIP UPL!
>    The state supreme court has said that it will not go after anyone 
>through it's contempt powers for UPL unless some harm to the public 
>can be show.   Rising to the challenge, the bar association  twice
>held public hearings and invited complaints so they could show how 
>evil and wicked laymen are and how wonderful lawyers are.   And 
>twice, the only ones who complained were lawyers carping about how 
>much money they were losing to lay legal service providers.
>     Year before last, a bankruptcy shyster who is also a state 
>legislator, introduced a bill which would have made writing legal 
>paper a class 5 felony, punisable by 5 years and $50,000.  However, 
>an alert citizenry, made more alert by independent paralegals and 
>lay forms preparers, flooded the lawmakers with protests and the bill
>never made it out of committee.  
>      I'm a director of National Congress for Legal Reform and head it's
>Southwest District.  I, and a number of others testified at the public 
>hearings at the state capitol against passing the bill because it would
>hurt people who can't afford to pay thousands of dollars to lawyers 
>in order to exercise their right to access the courts.
>     There was talk that it would again be tried in AZ this year, but 
>that didn't materialize .  A friend of mine who is a member of the 
>bar association UPL committee said that the committee agreed with us 
>(NCLR) and others, that if there is any problem with lay legal 
>service providers, those problems are consumer fraud problems,  not 
>problems with people pretending to be lawyers or practicing law 
>without a bar card.
>     I'm sure that another legislator/shyster will put forth another 
>UPL bill sooner or later.  However, the genie has been out of the 
>bottle way too long.  People are used to having lay legal services 
>and I seriously doubt that the bar will be able to get the public's
>support.   Especially when the argument is easily made that such a 
>bill is aimed at putting more of the public's money in lawyers' pockets.
>     UPL is my pet subject.  I was charged with it in Louisiana in 
>1990 and refused to cowtow to the bar association and three judges.  
>I was twice featured on 20/20 (ABC Television News Magazine) because 
>I wouldn't quit and I wouldn't back down.  I'm now disabled, old and 
>fat.  But I still don't quit or back down when it comes to UPL.  I've 
>helped lay legal providers in a number of states in federal suits 
>against state bar associations, judges, courts and individual lawyers.  
>Once they get ground through their own overpriced legal meat grinder 
>they usually decide it's easier and less costly just to leave us alone. 
>A peasant between two lawyers is like a fish
>between two cats.
>                        .... Spanish Proverb
>    E-Mail:
>            jpapania@asu.campus.mci.net

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