Time: Wed Nov 13 08:59:08 1996
To: KGXR24A@prodigy.com (MR VERN O HOLLAND)
From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]
Subject: Neil & Evelyn

At 09:40 AM 11/13/96 -0500, you wrote:
>Hey Paul ... thanks.  I guess Larry Condit isn't as pleased with the 

Hello Vern,

Professional jealousy 
would be a better description.

  I received your previous post with attachment but Prodigy does 
>not convert.  I could not read it. 

I will find another way to 
get these to you.

 Is Condit experienced in these 

No, and certainly not as
experienced as you.  But then,
nobody can hold a candle to
the original work you have
done on Quiet Title actions.

>     Take care ... Vern

I am trying.  I am down to 
my last $20.

Also, please keep this to
yourself, but Neil Nordbrock
is falling into serious chronic
alcoholism.  I am not experienced
in these areas, and I don't know
what to do.  Do you have any 
ideas?  He is terrific when he
is sober, but when he gets to
drinking, he cannot walk straight,
he slurs his speech, and often
spills gravy and full drinks
at the dinner table.  I want to
help him, because he is a wonderful
man, but I don't have the expertise
to intervene.  

Sorry, Vern, that this had to end
the way that it did.  I was hoping
I would have the chance to look
over your shoulder a little bit,
and maybe learn a thing or two
(or 100 :).   Maybe next time.

If I don't have the chance to tell
you before then, please have a 
happy and joyful holiday season,
with your family, friends, and
all the many faithful associates
you have developed over the years.
Your reward will be great, Vern,
because your riches are not of 
this world.

/s/ Paul Mitchell

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