Time: Wed Nov 13 09:54:19 1996
To: GovtAware-L@Citadel.Net
From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]
Subject: bush league

So sorry to be argumentative here,
but I thought the "bush" league
was in Texas (the corporate one), yes?

/s/ Paul Mitchell

At 07:18 PM 11/12/96 -0500, you wrote:
>I read in the paper today that some senator was asked what he thought about
>the gov't being shutdown.  Quipped he: "It should never have been opened up."
>The evening news had an encouraging word: The Slick One's "legal agenda is
>He's hired new pricey attorneys to help get him off upcoming indictments of
>sleaze he and Hilly committed without a second thought before/after their
>election in '92.
>Louisiana has a well-earned reputation for crooked pols.  But they're
>strictly bush leaguers when it comes to their neighbors to the north.
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