Time: Wed Nov 13 16:28:46 1996
To: roc@xmission.com
From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]
Subject: another NWOW!

At 05:17 PM 11/13/96 -0500, you wrote:
>>I invite you to do this for us,
>>and report back here, if you
>>can find a way to pay yourself
>>for this private investigation.
>	Paul, Paul.  Stay calm.

I am calm.  You are misreading an
emotion into what I posted above,
and what I posted before that.
This may well be another one of
those red herrings which we are
supposed to chase to the ends
of the earth, in a medium where
the herring are much better equipped
to navigate (read "swim").  For example,
I recently had a "colleague" show me
photos which he said were Russian 
heavy armor on I-25 in New Mexico,
disguised as Red Cross vehicles.
I finally got my hands on those 
photos, and shared them with my
friends in the military (a major
in the U.S. Army Reserve).  They took it
to their photo lab, scrutinized the
photos carefully, and did me the 
enormous favor of telling me I had
been misled:  they were American
military armored vehicles and 
transport carriers.  They had no
explanation for the Red Cross insignia,
but they are well enough trained to
overlook such superficial markings.
So, this turned out to be quite a 
red herring.  This is not to say that
there are not really some Russian
vehicles moving at night on our
interstate highways;  but, in this
one particular case, they were red
herring (disguised as U.S. Army
trucks swimming down an interstate
highway in New Mexico).  8-) 

/s/ Paul Mitchell

   I did not mean to insult you, 
>	just to point out that there are a lot of alternative 
>	explanations (quite legitimate) for this security for 
>	detention centers business.

I agree entirely.  I am just 
resisting the idea, all too
frequent these days, that I
do the research at my own 
expense.  I have better things
to do with my professional time,
believe me (and I hope you will).
One way of diminishing my impact
is to get me going in 43 different
directions.  I say this because
I am quite capable of proceeding
in 42 different directions;  but
everyone has their limit, and now
you know what mine is.  :)

/s/ Paul Mitchell

>	Maybe I will call them. 


  I'll tell'em a lot of possibly
>	bogus postings have been made on the net and what is their
>	description of what they do.

And you are going to believe
what they tell you, is that

>	My lawyer makes $230, so I have plenty of expenses, don't
>	need to hire you to do this.

A man is worthy of his hire:
Very good advice from the
Mind of the Maker.

>	ciao,
>	jcurtis

I will tell you if I think you
have insulted me.  So far, 
you have not.

/s/ Paul Mitchell

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