Time: Thu Nov 14 07:04:33 1996
To: "John Burr" <john.burr@qmail.eonetworks.com>
From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]
Subject: People v. United States

John Burr,

Here is another installment.
This is a scanned image of
the Removal action in People
v. United States.  Decompress
with PKUNZIP, and then view
with Windows PAINTBRUSH, or
comparable graphics program.
I will follow with the county
judge's order, in case you
have not already seen it.

/s/ Paul Mitchell

>Date: Wed, 13 Nov 1996 23:47:46
>To: "John Burr" <john.burr@qmail.eonetworks.com>
>From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]
>Subject: People v. United States
>Attached is the file GARFIELD.ZIP 
>which contains all the files I have
>to date on my computer.  The removal
>will have to be scanned in tomorrow, 
>in addition to the preliminary drafts
>of the FOIA request and appeal, and
>the application for intervention.
>Remember, The Freedom Center has not
>returned my personal belongings, 
>including the new ZIP drive I bought
>for the occasion, and several ZIP 
>cartridges, with all my backups on
>them.  I do not know if I will ever
>get those things back.
>/s/ Paul Mitchell

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