Time: Thu Nov 14 07:39:27 1996
To: joseph.d.robertson@nhmccd.cc.tx.us
From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]
Subject: more good stuff


The attached .ZIP files must be
decompressed with PKUNZIP.
I presume you have that program.

The .BMP files are Windows bit-mapped
images, which can be viewed and 
printed with the Windows PAINTBRUSH
program.  This is the best I can do
for now with these briefs, because
my original files are stuck up in
Montana.  The REMOVAL was successful
in removing People v. United States
out of the state court into the
District Court of the United States,
even though the state judge ordered
it removed into the District Court
of the United States.  The motion
for warrant of removal was not before
the state judge, so he erred in 
a ruling that was not before him, and
he also erred by ordering the case
to be removed into the wrong federal

was filed on behalf of LeRoy Schweitzer
after he was convicted in an IRS case.
This one, as I explained, is a frontal
assault on the Jury Selection and Service
Act, Sections 1861 and 1865 of Title 28
(easy to remember, because they correspond
to the start and end of the Civil War :).

I am also attaching JURYCHAL.EXE which 
contains all the templates for this 
jury challenge.  You should already have
received by now the press releases which
I have written to date;  they are the
best possible introduction to the details
that will follow.

Thanks for all your time on the telephone
last evening.  This could be the start of
something very big, Dale.  We will soften
the other side with a barrage of powerful
briefs, and then you will step in and
work your Habeas Corpus magic, using every
finesse in your book to spring our People
from custody and/or prison.  I anticipate
an unbeatable combination forming here,
and I am delighted to be working with you.

Please bear in mind that I am incredibly
busy these days, and may not be always
available, totally courteous, or the perfect
gentleman in all situations.  I have become
a warrior, like my father, and the ramp 
has been lowered on the beach at Iwo Jima.
No time for all the frills any more.

/s/ Paul Mitchell

attachments: all .ZIP files to be decompressed

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