Time: Thu Nov 14 18:54:57 1996
To: joseph.d.robertson@nhmccd.cc.tx.us
From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]
Subject: initial road map


I am very honored to receive and
read this articulate message,
and even more honored to realize
that you are willing to give our
work your closest scrutiny.  When
I got the idea to share this work
with you, it was already in the back
of my mind that your insight would
produce extremely valuable results
for us, and for the rest of the nation.
Do carry on.  I will leave you alone
to think and read.  Just know that I
am standing by, waiting anxiously
for your next contribution to this
great debate -- the cause of freedom,
the cause of justice, and the cause
of life itself.

/s/ Paul Mitchell

At 07:03 PM 11/14/96 -0600, you wrote:
>Thursday, 14Nov96 @ 20:43 Hours CST
>TO:             Paul Mitchell
>FROM:        Dale Robertson
>SUBJECT:   Invitation
>First, I want to thank you for taking the time to visit with me on the
>land line last evening. It was an instructive 1.5 hours we invested in
>that conversation and I forsee more to come.
>Secondly, I will acknowledge receipt of the several e-mail doc received
>this date. Of course I have not had time to digest them but will do so
>before retiring this evening. Response tomorrow.
>Third, I see the outline on which you, in summary form, gave
>considerable elucidation last eveing to be a insightful, even clever,
>employment of law to defeat the law. And while I am impressed on initial
>reflection, I see the purpose of the United States governemtn at this
>time to be malelovent and unredeming in every respect and I see no
>reason that they will permit in the long run the abuse of thier courts
>by mere due process and law. This is of course a cynical view - but it
>is born of experience and my reading of history. A greater violence than
>that which was had in court was required to defeat the abuses visiting
>the colonist in 1776. I see no reason why the same events are not now
>necessary in the 1990's. Now don't misunderstand me! This is not a call
>for violence - rather it is a recognition of it on the part of the
>United States government against individuals under thier subjugation.
>And I believe that there is an imperative for you, I, us and all of us
>to take whatever means are at hand and to do the most with it while we
>Now your outline last evening is brilliant and as I said quite clever. I
>see it as having the capacity t upset  the apple cart in some high
>places. Like the USDC and the DCUS not to mention the supreme Court and
>the circuits. 
>Further, I agree with you in that the missing piece is a working
>practice and knowledge of habeas corpus. Recall please my comments that
>via habeas corpus you may properly reaise any relevant issue which
>provides the pretext or predicate for deprivation and restraint of
>liberty and on that basis contest the issue in a habeas corpus forum.
>This may well be a parallel tact for you since all of the issues you
>raise are proper subject(s) for the most celebrated and most
>extraordinary writ of habeas corpus. However, I note, that the glowing
>hope that exudes from your comments portend a perception that habeas
>corpus is a panacia. It is not! It is merely a powerful tool which in
>the right hands will adjudicate the propriety of a restraint upon the
>liberty of an individual. It is nothing more. It's object is liberty and
>freedom - or rather the restoration of it. Dispositive relief on the
>underlying issues will need to be sought in another forum and at another
>time. However, given its purpose, nothing else, not other remedy, can
>even come close to producing the potential result of the great writ!
>So on balance there is logic and merit - indeed even imperative - in
>your invitation. I'll give it my best and see what we can do with it.
>Notice please that I said we - for I think that this matter will take
>the best of several activist over time. And it will take the cooperation
>of the feds to present to us the proper case(s) which will serve as a
>test platform for the project.
>Again my thanks for your invitation and your time last evening. I'll
>carefully consider the postings to me and will respond in due course!
>Dale Robertson

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