Time: Fri Nov 15 19:51:30 1996
To: wood@rtd.com
From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]
Subject: 9 cents per minute, anywhere in America

>>setups.  So, if people out there in
>>Internet land want to believe that I am
>>some kind of deep cover government agent, 
>>or that I am trying to "scam"  them when
>Please, grow up. 

Excuse me?

 Carlos did not accuse you of trying to scam anyone, nor
>did he imply that you would make anything for it, just that alot of people
>are skeptical of phone offers.

And that's their problem, not mine.

"Kill the messenger" seems to be
a real popular "spectator" sport
these days, isn't it?  We certainly
have come a long way as a civilization,
if that is now the case.  Shall we
call it "misplaced hostility," and
then we can call in the shrinks --
to communicate for us?

>Please don't reply to this be says that you are not affiliated with them,
>nor will your make any money, we all got that point.

I cannot parse this last sentence.


/s/ Paul Mitchell

P.S.  FYI, it's actually 8.9 cents
per minute, if one knows exactly
what to request.


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