Time: Fri Nov 22 20:40:29 1996
To: GovtAware-L@Citadel.net
From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]
Subject: Slick Pardons

Bill and Hillary were on the same podium
during the recent campaign.

Hillary stepped on Bill's foot by mistake.

"Oh, pardon me, dear," she said.

"I will, just as soon as I can," he said.

/s/ Paul Mitchell

At 01:02 PM 11/19/96 -0600, you wrote:
>> There has been much speculation about the possibility of President Clinton
>> pardoning certain individuals such as Susan McDougal and Jim Guy Tucker.
>Should this occur, I guess that it would raise nomore of a stink than
>Ford pardoning Nixon.  (that was particularly interesting, since Nixon had
>not been charged with anything.)  
>Not sure that Clinton has ever even mentioned a pardon, though he has
>been asked.
>cheers, moon
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