Time: Fri Nov 22 22:53:31 1996
To: liberty@hollyent.com
From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]
Subject: Bernie Oliver Defense Fund

This is my suggestion:

Remove the case out of the state court,
into the District Court of the United States,
on the federal question involved in choosing
jury candidates from voter registration lists.

Voter registration affidavits require the
affiants to affirm, under penalty of perjury,
that they are federal citizens.  There are
two classes of citizenship in America, and
the Supreme Court has ruled that class
discrimination is a ground for invalidating
grand and trial jury bodies.

/s/ Paul Mitchell

P.S.  See etymology of the term "ATTORN"
in Bouvier's Law Dictionary, to wit:
"to oversee the transfer of an estate
from the old lord to the new lord; 
a term from feudal law"

>I am going to establish a Bernie Oliver Defense Fund.  The motion for a new 
>trail has been submitted to the court and will probably be granted based 
>upon what we saw in court.
>Bernie may not survive another another public defender.  We must raise 
>enough money to enable him to hire a real defense attorney.
>Anyone wishing to contribute any amount may send check, money order, FRN's, 
>Gold, Silver, etc. to me in the interim until I check into a checking 
>account.  If anyone has had any experience in this area (laws, IRS, etc), 
>your input would be greatly appreciated.  
>Mail any and all donation to:
>Kenneth R. Rineer
>7901 E. Manitoba St.
>Tucson, Arizona [85730]
>Attn:  Bernie Oliver Defense Fund
>I will open the account with a $100 contribution (I'm not cheap, just poor).
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