Paul Andrew Mitchell, Sui Juris
Citizen of Arizona state
c/o general delivery at:
2509 North Campbell Ave., #1776
Tucson [zip code exempt]
In Propria Persona
All Rights Reserved
without prejudice
                        JUDICIAL COUNCIL
                      FOR THE NINTH CIRCUIT
In re Charge of                 )  Nos. 96-80380, 96-80337
Judicial Misconduct             )  COMPLAINANT'S VERIFIED
                                )  CRIMINAL COMPLAINT
                                )  FOR VIOLATIONS OF THE
                                )  FEDERAL CRIMINAL CODE:
                                )  18 U.S.C. 3, 1503;
________________________________)  28 U.S.C. 1746(1)
COMES NOW  Paul Andrew  Mitchell,  Sui Juris, Citizen  of Arizona
state,  Federal  Witness,  Counselor  at  Law,  Private  Attorney
General (hereinafter "Complainant"), and Vice President for Legal
Affairs of  New Life  Health Center  Company,  an  Unincorporated
Business Trust domiciled in the Arizona Republic (hereinafter the
"Trust"), to provide formal Notice to all interested parties, and
to demand  mandatory judicial  notice by  this  honorable  Court,
pursuant to  Rule 201(d)  of the  Federal Rules  of Evidence,  of
THE FEDERAL  CRIMINAL CODE,  specifically for violations of Title
18, United States Code, sections 3 and 1503.
     Complainant formally charges the following named individual,
with the corresponding crimes enumerated infra.
     Complainant hereby formally charges:
           Complainant's Verified Criminal Complaint:
                          Page 1 of 5

Mr. Procter Hug with:
(1)  corruptly endeavoring  to impede  and/or  obstruct  the  due
     administration of  justice by  a grand jury, and by officers
     of a  court of the United States, in the matter of the grand
     jury proceedings  convened  under  auspices  of  the  United
     States District  Court ("USDC")  In Re  Grand Jury  Subpoena
     Served on  New Life Health Center Company, and in the matter
     of the  instant Complaint  of  Judicial  Misconduct  brought
     against John  M. Roll  In Re  Charge of  Judicial Misconduct
     which arose  therefrom, in  violation of 18 U.S.C. 1503 (two
(2)  corruptly endeavoring  to impede  and/or  obstruct  the  due
     administration of  justice by  officers of  a court  of  the
     United States  in the  matter of  the Complaint  of Judicial
     Misconduct brought  against William D. Browning In Re Charge
     of Judicial Misconduct, 9th Circuit docket number #96-80337,
     which arose  from the  criminal proceedings  convened  under
     auspices  of  the  USDC  Tucson  in  U.S.A.  v.  Wallen,  in
     violation of 18 U.S.C. 1503 (one count);
(3)  being  an   accessory  after  the  fact  to  obstruction  of
     registered, certified,  and first  class United States Mail,
     obstruction of  justice, jury  tampering, perjury,  bribery,
     and conspiracy  to commit  all of  the above,  after knowing
     that offenses  against the United States had been committed,
     by relieving and/or assisting the several offenders in order
     to hinder  their  apprehension,  trial,  or  punishment,  in
     violation of  18 U.S.C.  3 (one  hundred counts  as follows:
     twenty-five (25) counts each for hindering the apprehension,
     trial,  and/or  punishment  of  the  following  individuals:
     (a) John  M. Roll,  (b)  Janet  Napolitano,  (c)  Robert  L.
     Miskell, and  (d) Evangelina  Cardenas, in the matter of the
     federal grand  jury proceedings  convened under  auspices of
     the USDC Tucson In Re Grand Jury Subpoena Served on New Life
     Health Center Company).
     In support  of the  instant  COMPLAINT,  Complainant  hereby
incorporates by  reference  all  pleadings  previously  filed  by
Complainant in the instant case, In Re Grand Jury Subpoena Served
on New  Life Health  Center Company,  and in  the matter  of  the
Complaint of  Judicial  Misconduct  brought  against  William  D.
Browning  In Re Charge of Judicial Misconduct, 9th Circuit docket
number #96-80337,  which  arose  from  the  criminal  proceedings
convened under  auspices of  the United  States District Court in
U.S.A. v. Wallen supra, as if all were set forth fully herein.
           Complainant's Verified Criminal Complaint:
                          Page 2 of 5

     Complainant hereby verifies, under penalty of perjury, under
the laws  of the  United States  of America,  without the "United
States" (federal  government), that  the foregoing  statement  of
facts is  true and  correct, to the best of Complainant's current
information, knowledge,  and belief,  so help Me God, pursuant to
28 U.S.C. 1746(1).  See Supremacy Clause in chief.
Executed on December 1, 1997:
/s/ Paul Andrew Mitchell
Paul Andrew Mitchell, B.A., M.S., Federal Witness,
Citizen of Arizona state, Private Attorney General,
Counselor at Law, Candidate for the House of Representatives, and
Vice President for Legal Affairs, New Life Health Center Company,
Tucson, Arizona state
(expressly not a citizen of the United States)
All Rights Reserved without Prejudice
           Complainant's Verified Criminal Complaint:
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                        PROOF OF SERVICE
I, Paul  Andrew, Mitchell,  B.A.,  M.S.,  hereby  certify,  under
penalty of  perjury, under  the laws  of  the  United  States  of
America, without the "United States" (federal government), that I
am at  least 18  years of  age and a Citizen of one of the United
States of  America, and  that I  personally served  the following
              18 U.S.C. 3, 1503;  28 U.S.C. 1746(1)
by placing  said document(s)  with exhibits in first class United
States Mail, with postage prepaid and properly addressed to:
ROBERT L. MISKELL                  John M. Roll
Acapulco Building, Suite 8310      U.S. District Court
110 South Church Avenue            55 E. Broadway
Tucson, Arizona state              Tucson, Arizona state
JANET NAPOLITANO                   Clerk of Court
Acapulco Building, Suite 8310      United States District Court
110 South Church Avenue            55 E. Broadway
Tucson, Arizona state              Tucson, Arizona state
Grand Jury Foreperson              Postmasters
c/o United States District Court   United States Postal Service
55 E. Broadway                     Downtown & Coronado Stations
Tucson, Arizona state              Tucson, Arizona state
Judge Alex Kozinski                Evangelina Cardenas
Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals     "Internal Revenue Service"
125 S. Grand Avenue, Suite 200     300 West Congress
Pasadena, California state         Tucson, Arizona state
Attorney General                   Solicitor General
Department of Justice              Department of Justice
10th and Constitution, N.W.        10th and Constitution, N.W.
Washington, D.C.                   Washington, D.C.
Thomas H. Basham                   Eugene A. Burns
Federal Bureau of Investigation    New Life Health Center Company
201 East Indianola                 4500 East Speedway, Suite 27
Phoenix, Arizona state             Tucson, Arizona state
Chief Judge                        Pima County Attorney
Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals     Attention: Criminal Division
c/o P.O. Box 193939                c/o 32 North Stone Avenue
San Francisco, California          Tucson, Arizona state
           Complainant's Verified Criminal Complaint:
                          Page 4 of 5

Executed on December 1, 1997:
/s/ Paul Andrew Mitchell
Paul Andrew Mitchell, B.A., M.S., Federal Witness,
Citizen of Arizona state, Private Attorney General,
Counselor at Law, Candidate for the House of Representatives, and
Vice President for Legal Affairs, New Life Health Center Company,
Tucson, Arizona state
(expressly not a citizen of the United States)
All Rights Reserved without Prejudice
copies:   Pima County Sheriffs, Tucson, Arizona
          U.S. Bankruptcy Court, Phoenix, Arizona
          Arizona Attorney General, Tucson, Arizona
          U.S. District Court, Phoenix, Arizona
          "The Arizona Republic" newspaper, CEO, Phoenix, Arizona
           Complainant's Verified Criminal Complaint:
                          Page 5 of 5

                             #  #  #

Return to Table of Contents for

28 U.S.C. 372(c) Complaint

 against John M. Roll