We'd like to recognize the contributions of the following people,
organizations, and companies who help make the ETEXT Archives possible.
- Above all, the maintenance volunteers, authors, and publishers, who do all
the real work.
- Seth and Jerod and the other reviewers, for all their work on Factsheet Five.
- John Labovitz for the incomparable E-Zine List.
- The Apache HTTP server project.
- Stan Barber for keeping wu-ftpd alive.
- All the authors and maintainers of quality free software -- this project
lives because of your work.
- Thomas Boutell for wusage, an
excellent web server statistics package that doesn't cost a fortune.
- Photo Systems, Inc. for extending
credit and low prices on great hardware for the project.
Interested in contributing your time, experience, money, or equipment to the
project? Send e-mail to discuss the possibilities...
the Etext Archives