The Secretary of The Regents is
one of three principal officers of The Regents of the
University of California. Among the duties of the
Secretary, as prescribed in the Bylaws and Standing
Orders of The Regents, are: "To give notice of all
meetings of the Board and its Committees; to record and
keep minutes of the proceedings of the Board and of all
Committees; and shall assist the President of the
University in providing administrative support to the
Board and its Committees." [Bylaw
In addition, the Secretary is
the custodian of certain official corporate records of
the University; is responsible for planning and staffing
all Board and its Committee meetings; executes or
attests to certain documents which have been executed on
behalf of The Regents; provides direct administrative
support to the members of the Board of Regents; prepares
minutes of the Regents meetings; and is custodian of
Regental and other corporate records.
Leigh Trivette became Secretary of The Regents in
November 1993. A university employee since 1980, she had
served as Associate Secretary of The Regents since 1985
and previously as Assistant Secretary and Assistant to
the Secretary of The Regents. She earned a bachelor's
degree in anthropology from the University of Alabama
and a master's degree in business administration from
UCLA. Before coming to UC, she spent eight years in