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Can we be healthy, happy, and have a just society if we follow this habit of eating animals? Won't that make us have to visit the doctor more often?
The sun makes wind I thought, "Wow! You can actually feel the sun making wind." A brief moment after the sun broke from behind a cloud and I felt the warmth on my ...
Animal rightsVeg ism FAQ. Animal Rights Vegetarianism Veganism Arguments. This website is meant to provide a one stop resource for those seeking debate information ...
Vegetarian/Vegan people from around the world ... Filósofo ateniense, cuyas ideas son conocidas sólo a través de los escritos de sus pupilos Platón y Xenofón.
Animal Rights Veg*ism FAQ Animal Rights Vegetarianism Veganism Arguments This website is meant to provide a one stop resource for those seeking information related …
May 96 Feedback and Mail. Date: Thu, 2 May 1996 To: mkzdk Name : Saingery Jean-Marc URL : Comments: This is …
Vegetarian/Vegan people from around the world ... Lembre-se Sócrates: Não Coma Animais por John C. Champagne Por que é tão difícil, aparentemente impossível ...
I would like to remind everyone that there ARE people out there that don't wonder what is "not working" with our culture, as a matter of fact, there are so many ...
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