From:     Paul Andrew Mitchell <>

Subject:  SLF: Paul Mitchell writes to Bill Clinton

Bcc:      Contact Master



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TO:       Bill Clinton

          c/o 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue

          Washington, D.C.


FROM:     Paul Andrew, Mitchell, B.A., M.S.

          Counselor at Law


DATE:     December 17, 1997


SUBJECT:  behold a monster



I just  went for  a brief  walk down my neighborhood street.  The

citrus trees  are ripening  here, and  on my  way to  the nearest

orange tree,  abundant with fruit,  I encountered a young mother,

strolling her new baby.  I asked if I could see her baby, and she

permitted me to smile at one, quite perfect little infant, barely

three months  old.   The child  was at  first perplexed  by  this

stranger,  but I did  succeed in  making him smile,  and  what  a

beautiful smile  it was.   It  was as perfect a moment as anybody

could imagine,  with the sun shining its unseasonable warmth, and

the baby  smiling back  from a  perfect-fitting white sweater and

matching knit cap.  Moments like this are infinitely precious and

beyond valuation  in anything  else, but life itself.  As mom and

baby son  strolled away,  she thanked  me for  the kindness,  and

tucked her  treasure's little  blanket, for  the next  stretch of

road ahead.


On the  way to  my favorite citrus tree, a flood of thoughts went

through my mind.  I thought you might want to know a thing or two

about some of those thoughts.


I would  have to say that,  the first thing which then crossed my

mind  was the "plan"  you have  conspired to impose on all little

babies like that, regardless of age.  It is true, is it not, that

you want  to mark  these infants with a subcutaneous transponder,

better known  as the  mark of  the beast?   Everyone who fails to

accept this  mark, will  be unable to participate in the economy,

thus depriving  them of  food and  other essentials.   In effect,

your plan is to starve such opposition to death, is it not?


Even if  young people  do accept this mark or, if they are forced

to accept  it, in the same way we were compelled to accept Social

Security Numbers,  it is  also true,  is it  not, that  you  will

encourage young  Americans to  enlist in  the military,  so  that

their young  bodies can  be contaminated  with tainted  vaccines,

just like  the ones  which were  shot into  the arms  of American

soldiers en route to Iraq?  These bad vaccines are tainted with a

lethal, contagious  brew which  will then  infect everyone  those

soldiers contact, even casually.  Isn't this true, Bill?


I could  go on  and on  about the  various "plans"  which you are

conspiring to  impose on this entire Nation, and the whole world,

but there  is really  no point  to enumerate  the details  of  an

obvious murder racket.  I wouldn't want to bore you now, would I?


You see,  Bill, there  are some of Us who know exactly what it is

that you are trying to do with America, and we don't like it.  In

fact, we  detest it.  We detest your corruptions.  We detest your

habitual lies.   We  detest your  arrogant greed and your selfish

lack of any decency whatsoever.  But, more than anything else, we

detest the  fact that you were hired to destroy this country, and

you are doing a very good job of it.  Isn't that true, Bill?


Now that we have levelled the playing field, at long last, do you

seriously think  that a  People like  Us, who  built  this  great

Nation from  the bottom  up, are going to stand by and permit you

to destroy all the fruits of that magnificent labor?  I certainly

hope you do not.  But, your contemptible conduct says otherwise.


Because, Bill, day after day, you are becoming more and more like

the monster  Adolf Hitler  had planned  to be,  but  never  quite

became.   A horrific world war engulfed him in the ever consuming

occupations of  a military  commander running  out of time, a job

for which  he was quite ill prepared, like you, but not before he

wreaked unprecedented  death and  destruction throughout  Western

Europe and elsewhere in the world.


Your unfortunate  similarity to  that monster  derives from  your

willingness to  plan the  utter destruction  of more than half of

the world's present human population.  This is no small feat.  By

numbers alone,  these plans  you are  fomenting stand  to put you

somewhere between  ten and  one hundred  times worse  than  Adolf

Hitler, just counting dead bodies to your eternal credit.


So, before  I go into any more ugly, tragic, and ruthless details

which are  now spewing forth from the White House, soon to become

the Red  House (if  you have  your way), please stop somewhere in

the district  of criminals,  and  purchase  a  nice,  big  vanity

mirror, on  your way  to the next cabinet meeting.  You know, the

kind they use at the local barber shop.


And behold a monster.



Sincerely yours,


/s/ Paul Mitchell


Paul Andrew, Mitchell, B.A., M.S.

Counselor at Law and Federal Witness

c/o 2509 N. Campbell Avenue, #1776

Tucson 85719/tdc

ARIZONA STATE (See USPS Publication #221.)


email: (586/Eudora Pro 3.0.3(32):

             preferred, to conserve all resources)

phone:       (520) 320-1514 (private line:

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fax machine: (520) 320-1256 (dedicated hard copy:

             available 24-hours per day or night)




                             #  #  #




Paul Andrew Mitchell, Sui Juris      : Counselor at Law, federal witness 01

B.A.: Political Science, UCLA;   M.S.: Public Administration, U.C.Irvine 02

tel:     (520) 320-1514: machine; fax: (520) 320-1256: 24-hour/day-night 03

email:   <>        : using Eudora Pro 3.0.3 on 586 CPU 04

website:       : visit the Supreme Law Library now 05

ship to: c/o 2509 N. Campbell, #1776 : this is free speech,  at its best 06

             Tucson, Arizona state   : state zone,  not the federal zone 07

             Postal Zone 85719/tdc   : USPS delays first class  w/o this 08

_____________________________________: Law is authority in written words 09

As agents of the Most High, we came here to establish justice.  We shall 10

not leave, until our mission is accomplished and justice reigns eternal. 11

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