c/o 2509 N. Campbell, #1776
                                         Tucson [zip code exempt]
                                                 ARIZONA REPUBLIC

                                                 November 5, 1996
Mr. Kenneth Starr
Independent Counsel
1001 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Suite 490-North
Washington, D.C.
Postal Zone 20004/tdc

Subject:  IRS Kick-Backs to President from the
          Performance Management and Recognition System

Dear Mr. Starr:

I have  evidence in  my  possession  which  implicates  President
William Jefferson  Clinton in  the receipt  of illegal  IRS kick-
backs  from   a  defunct   federal  program   called  Performance
Management and Recognition System ("PMRS").  As of yesterday, the
Alta Vista  search engine found some 20 documents on the Internet
which mention this system.

To obtain more information about PMRS, I have already submitted a
Freedom of  Information Act ("FOIA") request to the Department of
the Treasury  for all financial records of the PMRS.  Quite to my
surprise,  Mr. Mark L. Zolton  wrote  back  to explain  that some
records do not exist, because the rewards were paid in cash.

For your information, I have decided to become rather politically
active in  this matter.   Enclosed  please find my essay entitled
"The Kick-Back Racket:  Performance  Management  and  Recognition
System," which I enclose for your consideration and review.

Please accept this as my firm offer to testify before a competent
and qualified  federal grand  jury in  this matter.   I wish this
matter to  be investigated fully, and that is the main reason why
I have brought it to your attention at this time.

If I  can assist you, or any others in your office, in the course
of investigating PMRS, please contact me immediately.

Thank you very much for your consideration.

Sincerely yours,

/s/ Paul Andrew Mitchell

Paul Andrew Mitchell, B.A., M.S.
Counselor at Law, federal witness
and Citizen of Arizona state


copy:  Judge Alex Kozinski, Ninth Circuit (supervising)

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Letters of Correspondence