Time: Sat Aug 16 08:03:58 1997 by primenet.com (8.8.5/8.8.5) with ESMTP id IAA08695; Sat, 16 Aug 1997 08:04:32 -0700 (MST) by usr03.primenet.com (8.8.5/8.8.5) with SMTP id IAA26211; Sat, 16 Aug 1997 08:04:05 -0700 (MST) Date: Sat, 16 Aug 1997 08:02:54 -0700 To: (Recipient list suppressed) From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar] Subject: SLS: Heads Up (fwd) <snip> > > Heads Up > > A Weekly edition of News from around our country > > August 15, 1997 #48 > > by: Doug Fiedor fiedor19@eos.net > >---------------------------------------------------------- > Previous Editions at: http://mmc.cns.net/headsup.html >---------------------------------------------------------- > > >DISARM REGULATORS > When an old friend, who is a career federal >bureaucrat above the "GS" level, called one afternoon >last week to chit-chat, I should have realized there may >have also been an ulterior motive. He was, after all, >calling from work. About ten minutes into the >conversation he asked why this publication is so hard on >the people working for the federal regulatory agencies. > 'Because they are there, and should not be,' >I wanted to answer. But I did not. Instead, I played >the game, began my own opening gambit, and turned it >around so he was on the defensive. > "How many search warrants did your agency >serve these past few weeks?" I eventually asked. > "A few," he reluctantly answered. > "How many with guns drawn and agents looking >and acting like a SWAT team?" I then inquired. > "That is for the protection of the agents. . . . . ." >he tried to jive me. > Uh huh. Sure. > Lately, even FEMA and EPA started doing that. >Where once, regulators came in dressed in normal business >attire, now they bring a "team" wearing bullet proof >vests and brandishing military-style guns. > Reports are that a FEMA team "raided" a county >flood management office recently, vested and guns at the >ready. They even brought along a search warrant. Except >that the only thing on the warrant was the judges >signature and the word "sealed." They confiscated box- >loads of public documents -- documents that were always >available for anyone in the world to walk in and read. >And, of course, they terrified (or is it terrorized?) the >staff working the office in the process. > Same with the EPA. Nowadays, if they visit a >business suspected of spilling hazardous materials, they >often bring along a SWAT team and act like they're going >after a gang of armed bank robbers. Just a few years >ago, that type of thing was handled by one man carrying >nothing more ominous than a notebook. > This is called lack of respect. It's the "them" >against "us" mentality. Each year, the federal government >ramps-up the aggression level. Today, many federal >regulators act like they have absolutely no respect for >the American public. Sure, they are not all like that -- >yet. But, how many of these reports do we need before >we voters start putting pressure on elected officials to >get them stopped? > IRS used a SWAT team to "take over" a day care >center, kids and all. FDA brought along a SWAT team >to "raid" a vitamin store. The BLM brought an armed >posse to confront two hunters. Fish and Wildlife >delivered a SWAT team by armed military choppers. Yet, >in none of these cases was any wrongdoing ever proven. > The problem is, neither was any of these agencies >punished for use of excessive force (or stupidity!). >Clearly, these people are out of control. > It's our fault, too. These are, after all, public >servants. Therefore, we can, with a little effort, have >them fired. Federal agencies like FEMA, EPA, BLM and >OSHA do not need guns. There are only a few real federal >police agencies: Marshals, DEA, FBI and BATF immediately >come to mind. These other agencies are only regulatory >and tax collection agencies. > Worse yet, for the most part, these armed >regulators are people with no firearms training. Police >academies last at least ten or twelve weeks. Many of the >armed federal bureaucrats confronting American citizens >do not even have ten or twelve minutes firearms or police >training. In fact, some of them never even had a firearms >safety course. Yet, in some cases, they're carrying fully >automatic weapons. This is not good! > For the safety of the American public, all federal >regulatory agencies should be completely disarmed. > >RESIST FEDERAL SNOOPING > Words mean things, as Rush Limbaugh likes to >say on his national radio program. And lawyers, so they >would have us believe, are the legal word merchants of the >United States. So it is with great interest when we >notice that the rooms full of lawyers working in the White >House, Department of Justice and FBI all seem to be having >a definite problem understanding some of the simplest >words in the English language: "Shall Not." > For instance, the Fourth Amendment to the >United States Constitution clearly states that: "The >right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, >papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and >seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall >issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or >affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be >searched, and the persons or things to be seized." > Notice the words "shall not be violated"? > Recently, the Supreme Court said that in all >but a very few circumstances, officers serving a search >warrant must knock, announce their reason for being there >and wait to be let in. No "dynamic entries" are allowed >unless the police are going after known killers, or some >such demonstrably dangerous perpetrators. > American citizens are to be informed of what >is to be searched, and what police are looking for, BEFORE >the search begins. Police are to show the person to be >searched the warrant, and allow them to read it, before >the search takes place. > The right to be secure against government >intrusion in your "persons, houses, papers, and effects" >would also include a ban against pat-downs on the street; >looking through medical and financial records; reading of >mail; recording private conversations; reading computer >e-mail; and listening to telephone conversations. > Police may stop you and ask questions. But a >free citizen need not answer if they do not wish. And, >unless the officer indicates that you are being detained, >a free citizen may leave the presence of the officer at >any time. In other words, except during the performance >of a criminal investigation (and civil citations), or in >an emergency, a police officer has no special powers over >and above any other citizen. > Yet, the Department of Justice and the FBI >cannot understand "shall not." Rather, they have plans >to monitor thousands of American citizen's telephone calls >simultaneously. They are also gearing up to monitor many >American citizen's e-mail every day. And, all this, they >hope, without the necessity of a court approved search >warrant. > The Fourth Amendment words "shall not," of >course, bar these federal government activities. But, >federal law enforcement does not seem to feel that the >Constitution applies to their functions. Neither do two >members of the Senate (McCain and Kerry), as evidenced >by S. 909, which would allow federal agents access to all >computer correspondence, without the necessity of first >obtaining a court approved search warrant. > We, of course, have some recourse in this >matter. First, we should do all we can to insure that >S. 909 and other such bills do not pass Congress. Second, >we should start randomly encrypting some of our e-mail >messages. > Recently, Qualcomm, Inc. announced that they >have mated PGP with their very popular e-mail software, >Eudora Light and Eudora Pro. We have not seen it yet, >but were told that it is very easy to use. > Regardless, we should all make an attempt to >tell the federal government that we will resist any and >all intrusions into our personal privacy. We would never >consider giving government agents the keys to our house >and car, just in case they may want to snoop through our >stuff someday. We shouldn't give them our encryption >keys so they can intercept our communications, either. > >INTERNET SPEECH > This Internet, made up of web pages, newsgroups, >e-mail "lists," and what have you, is an effective public >forum. And generally, it is also an uncontrolled public >forum. > To say the least, this is very disconcerting to >the political powers and the "establishment" media. On >one hand, many politicians and their sycophants in the >media want strict controls placed on the flow of >information over the Internet. On the other hand are the >courts, which for the moment support the free flow of >ideas found here. Free speech, it's called. > Often, the Internet "scoops" the major media >on important news items by a day or two. And sometimes, >a great deal of important information can be found here >that is not related by any major media source. > The problem is that a lot of "information" available >via the Internet is not sourced. It cannot be verified. >Some is hear-say information, and sometimes it is just >obvious misinformation placed to cause unnecessary >concern. So, unless you trust the sender, the rule should >always be 'reader beware.' > The courts struck down a law censoring information >on the Internet as a violation of free speech. But the >courts did not say that anything goes here. As with any >public forum, there are limits imposed by society. > One limit is that of slander, defamation of >character, and whatever else it may be called by the >legal-eagles. In a public forum, it is necessary for one >to be somewhat careful about things we say about others. >It is very doubtful that the courts will allow defamation >of character to pass as free speech -- especially for >those who, at the press of a button, can instantly >transmit a message to a couple thousand people. > Normally, one can get away with saying a great >deal about public officials, especially if it has some >basis for truth. For instance, we have called public >officials socialists, un-American, stupid, drunks, and a >few other rather unflattering things. Those are all >public attributes -- mixed with a bit of opinion. > We do not, however, delve into the private >characteristics of public people. For instance, we have >never written that Governor Clinton did some of his >shopping for sex at the local university. That wouldn't >even be news, anyway. Nor would we list the twenty-some >known drug abusers, the numerous gays, or those who go >off on alcoholic binges, working in the administration. > All that is their own personal problem, not >ours. Our problem, our interest, is what they are doing >that affects normal American citizens, not how they >choose to categorize or abuse themselves in private. > So when we saw the Drudge Report saying Sidney >Blumenthal -- that Clinton media apologist who recently >turned White House aide -- has a spousal abuse past, we >cringed. > It is true that Blumenthal is a public figure, and >therefore open to most any ridicule in the press. But, >was this pushing the envelope a little too far? Probably >not, but it may be. The problem is that you never really >know until you spend the money to get it to court. > The political-media cabal in Washington would >like nothing better than to stymie the flow of information >on the Internet. Blumenthal is both political and media. >Therefore, he will be receiving encouragement from both >groups to pursue this case and put the Drudge Report out >of business. > To them, silencing the popular Matt Drudge >will provide the perfect "example" for the rest of us. >If they stop the Drudge Report, you can be sure other >lawsuits will follow. > Therefore, we must not let that happen. > >YOUR GOVERNMENT AT WORK > The Occupational Safety and Health >Administration, -- the federal agency that demands long >warning labels (that no one ever reads) be affixed on >anything that looks like it may be used as a tool of some >sort -- does not follow its own rules and regulations. > OSHA is legendary for writing up businesses >for violation of all kinds of stupid regulations that >mean nothing to anyone with a little common sense. >They'll fine a business for silliness like a stairway >railing being one inch too low or water being on the >floor in a butcher shop. OSHA has hundreds of rules, >regulations and standards they regularly bother businesses >with. Most of them are nonsense, but they all come with >big fines attached. > Evidently though, they do not enforce serious >violations in their own buildings. We know this because >the OSHA offices in West Virginia were closed for a few >days this week. According to UPI, OSHA officials were >forced to send their workers home and shut down the >building because of harmful bacteria found in the office's >cooling system. > Whoops! Poor maintenance and inspection >practices, resulting in bacteria growing in the office >cooling system. Yup, Legionnaire's disease at the OSHA >office. > Wanna bet that no fines were imposed? > Also this week came a message from FEMA. >Apparently, FEMA is picking up the slack for OSHA, >because the FEMA message informed us that: "The fire >safety features required by the Hotel and Motel Fire >Safety Act of 1990 can apply to colleges and universities." > The FEMA memo warned that: "In a recent >opinion, the Federal Emergency Management Agency's >General Counsel confirmed this policy. The opinion >stated any establishment not owned by the federal >government used for activities funded fully or partially >with federal monies must have meeting facilities, rooms >and services that meet the fire prevention and control >guidelines under the Hotel and Motel Fire Safety Act." > As it turns out, FEMA is quietly getting so >large it now has its own agencies. One is the U.S. Fire >Administration (USFA). And, Administrator Carrye Brown, >the head of the USFA, writes that, "This law encourages >the lodging industry to improve the fire safety features >of its properties. It limits federal government travelers >to stays in places of public accommodation that comply >with the law. The federal government is also required to >only hold meetings in complying facilities. Our General >Counsel has made it clear that for colleges and >universities this includes any dormitories or other >buildings used to house federal attendees at meetings, >conferences, or other activities." > She also said that they will be compiling a >list of complying universities and whatever, which will >be published at a later date. Oh yeah . . . and she also >noted that regulatory changes will be published in the >Federal Register for comment. Yup, we'll bet you can >count on that one to happen! > Now remember folks, this was from FEMA, not >OSHA. Obviously, FEMA is branching out some. > There was some news from the Post Office, too. >Well, actually this time the news is coming from the >office of the Post Office's Inspector General. > The IG reports that a Marjorie Brown was >installed as postmaster last Jan. 10, in a ceremony held >in the Atlanta City Council chamber. She is the first >woman to hold the Atlanta post, which oversees 45 post >offices and 2,400 employees. So . . . they had a little >party to celebrate. A $45,593 party! > First, they spent $21,348 to produce a video >about Ms. Brown's life, the IG report said. An additional >$9,911 was spent on air fare for out-of-town postal >workers who attended -- and, of course, for the limousines >necessary to drive the guests to and from the party. > Then there was another $4,738 charge for a >photographer, audio-visual support and postage. The >postage was necessary for the $2,405 worth of programs, >invitations and thank-you cards. Rounding it off was the >$4,800 for the buffet lunch to feed the 300 attending the >party, and for the breakfast for 30. > The House subcommittee on the Postal Service >originally asked for the accounting. > This could give new meaning to the term "going postal." > >THE LAND GRAB PLAN > By this time, most readers know that significant >action is being taken to fight the UNESCO and U.S. Man and >the Biosphere land grab program. UNESCO already formed >two "International" biosphere reserves here in Kentucky, >and they are ultimately planning on grabbing about one- >quarter of the State's land mass. UNESCO has similar >plans for most states. > When we published this information over a year >ago, few people cared. In fact, we were flamed by >international lawyers, college professors and assorted >liberals from around the world for about three weeks >straight. Apparently, even though we write the truth, we >were wrong -- err, not politically correct -- for >mentioning the program. That was supposed to be their >little leftist-liberal secret, and we went and blabbed to >the world. > What changed this year? Well, first, a very >influential Kentucky State Senator noticed that his >family's 600 acre farm was smack dab in the middle of a >proposed biosphere. . . Yeah, that helped some. . . . >Youbettcha! > A resolution against the Bio-Diversity Treaty >(mandating hundreds of large biospheres in the United >States) and the UNESCO and U.S. Man and the Biosphere >Program sailed right through the Kentucky State Senate at >warp speed, without so much as one word of dissent! You >see, when other State Senators started looking at that >UNESCO biosphere map, they did not like what they saw >either. > And, that's good news. So last June, we took >the plunge and wrote about the subject again. This time, >we received hundreds of letters of encouragement, and not >one flame. We also helped Lance Crowe of the American >Constitutional Campaign Committee send out a very strong >press release, which was published in dozens of newspapers >around the country. > Then, a lot of you called Congress. A LOT of >you contacted Congress! Which, we should add, made a >difference. Because, Congress added an amendment to >quite a few agency appropriations bills declaring that, >starting next year, no money may be funneled into the Man >and the Biosphere Program. > Your calls and letters put Congress on notice. >They got part of the job done last month. Now, we want >them to finish the deal. Oh, and incidentally, we also >want them to punish the wrongdoers in government -- and >there are quite a few. Here's a quick wrap-up of why: > In the 1970's, the United States (Carter) joined >into limited agreements with UNESCO. Part of that was to >form a few small biosphere reserves in the center of >national parks. Thirteen federal regulatory agencies and >the State Department formed the U.S. and UNESCO Man and >the Biosphere Committee for that purpose. > By 1984, the Reagan administration noticed that >UNESCO was ripping American taxpayers off for hundreds of >millions of dollars annually, and we were getting nothing >in return. So, we backed out of everything. All >agreements were off. All programs were canceled. It was >all over. > However, that U.S. and UNESCO Man in the >Biosphere (MAB) Committee didn't see it that way. They >just kept right on with the UNESCO plan, making biospheres >wherever they could get away with it. Today, we have 94 >biosphere reserves in the U.S., which have a total >combined land area (at least) the size of the State of >Colorado. That is land which is no longer able to be >used by American citizens -- for any purpose. > Not only that, but they created buffer and >cooperation zones around the biospheres and placed strict >land-use regulations on the people living there. All this >with no authority. Remember, the MAB Committee should >not have even existed after 1984, let alone bothered >American citizens with all those land-use regulations. > Of course, the MAB Committee never bothered to >ask Congress if they could use federal land as biosphere >reserves. Nor did they ever have authorization to spend >taxpayer funds on the project. The fact is, the MAB >Committee misappropriated both the land and the money. >They had no authority. And, as anyone who has ever been >in the military or worked for government knows, they broke >the law. > Kentucky State Senator Dick Roeding (whose >district is not affected by any existing or proposed >biospheres) noticed that misappropriation point even >before we presented all of the information to him. He >volunteered to tell his colleagues at this week's annual >American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) Convention. >And, since there will be about 2,500 state legislators >from around the country there, we expect there might be a >little action forthcoming. > ALEC, for those of you who don't know, is a >national, Tenth Amendment, Jeffersonnian type group of >State legislators. They are very interested in this type >of thing. So . . . when Senator Roeding called to see if >he could get on the agenda to present this, he got a "yes" >back within about five minutes. It was presented to the >Task Force on Property Rights yesterday. If they approve, >it goes before the group as a whole. If the group as a >whole approves, they collectively "inform" Congress. > In that case, they will inform Congress that >the U.S. and UNESCO Man in the Biosphere Program >must end now. They will also call for a Congressional >Investigation into why this unauthorized MAB Committee >was allowed to function for thirteen years, and harass >American people. > And maybe, just maybe, the misappropriation >angle will also be approved. Regardless, we voters can >push that aspect of the problem. Because, once an >investigation starts, they will have to ask where all the >money was coming from all these years. Everyone in >Congress already knows, of course. But, by actually >admitting under oath that they diverted unauthorized >funds into an unauthorized program, they will have >admitted to a federal crime. > That should put a lot of federal bureaucrats -- >regulators, one and all -- out of work at once. It may >even lead to a few going to prison. > We might also add at this time that there are >30 to 40 other such frauds perpetrated by the far left on >the American public via the federal regulatory >bureaucracy. This biosphere business is just the most >visible of the unauthorized programs at the moment. A >win by the American people on this matter will have a very >interesting domino effect on the others. > So, if your legislator suddenly starts looking >like he or she wants to lead this "dump the biosphere" >parade, please encourage them. In fact, line up behind >them and make sure they don't stop till you're sure that >it's all over. > Next week, it will be time to get cards and >letters to Congress ready. A simple handwritten postcard >to your three Members of Congress is all that will be >necessary. This is important, too. It looks like we can >see the end on this one, folks. One or two more big pushes >and it looks like we're there. > > -- End -- >Lance R. Crowe, Chairman >American Constitutional Campaign Committee >5300 Scottsville Road >P.O. Box 51851 >Bowling Green KY 42102-6851 >ACCC@bgn.mindspring.com >Visit our web site at: >http://mmc.cns.net/accc/accc.html ======================================================================== Paul Andrew Mitchell : Counselor at Law, federal witness B.A., Political Science, UCLA; M.S., Public Administration, U.C. Irvine tel: (520) 320-1514: machine; fax: (520) 320-1256: 24-hour/day-night email: [address in tool bar] : using Eudora Pro 3.0.3 on 586 CPU website: http://www.supremelaw.com : visit the Supreme Law Library now ship to: c/o 2509 N. Campbell, #1776 : this is free speech, at its best Tucson, Arizona state : state zone, not the federal zone Postal Zone 85719/tdc : USPS delays first class w/o this As agents of the Most High, we came here to establish justice. We shall not leave, until our mission is accomplished and justice reigns eternal. ======================================================================== [This text formatted on-screen in Courier 11, non-proportional spacing.]
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