Time: Fri Aug 22 07:05:07 1997 by primenet.com (8.8.5/8.8.5) with ESMTP id HAA23309; Fri, 22 Aug 1997 07:04:26 -0700 (MST) by usr03.primenet.com (8.8.5/8.8.5) with SMTP id HAA12016; Fri, 22 Aug 1997 07:03:15 -0700 (MST) Date: Fri, 22 Aug 1997 07:01:49 -0700 To: (Recipient list suppressed) From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar] Subject: SLS: Part Seven -- Globalwarming or Globaloney (fwd) <snip> > >GLOBALWARMING OR GLOBALONEY? >PART SEVEN > >The Politics of Global Warming >By Phil Brennan > > >".... in December, the nations of the world will meet in Kyoto, Japan >to negotiate a treaty mandating global CO2 emission reductions. The >United States delegation will be the dominant voice in support of >reducing emission levels. The economies of countries such as Norway >and Australia would be devastated due to their dependence on fossil >fuels. In the United States, the financial and political pressure to >ratify such a treaty from environmentalists and free market opponents >will be massive. " Sen. Malcolm Wallop > >A key document at the Kyoto meetings will be the recently released >1995 report of the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate >Change (IPCC). > >Allegedly the result of many years of careful study by some of the >world's top experts on global climate the paper will be one of the >centerpieces of the Global Warming conference. > >The report to be presented at the conference is a corruption of the >original that distorts its meaning. Key parts have been deliberately >omitted. > >Says Dr. Frederick Seitz chairman of the George C. Marshall Institute: >the report "is not the version that was approved by the contributing >scientists listed on the title page." > >"In my more than 60 years as a member of the American scientific >community, including service as president of both the National Academy >of Sciences and the American Physical Society, I have never witnessed >a more disturbing corruption of the peer-review process." > >According to Dr. Seitz, the pet theory of the global warming adherents >-- that evil mankind is guilty of overheating the climate -- is >anything but universal among scientists, a fact that was edited out of >the report as it was issued. > >"No study to date has positively attributed all or part [of climate >change] to anthropogenic (human] causes," he said. > >This vitally important clarification was removed from the report, he >added. > >"Nearly all of [the changes] worked to remove hints of the skepticism >with which many scientists regard claims that human activities are >having a major impact on climate .... Nothing in the IPCC Rules >permits anyone to change a scientific report after it has been >accepted by the panel of scientific contributors and the full IPCC..." > >Seitz concludes with this withering blast: > >"IPCC reports are often called the 'consensus' view. If they lead to >carbon taxes and restraints on economic growth, they will have a major >and almost certainly destructive impact on the economies of the world. >Whatever the intent was of those who made these significant changes, >their effect is to deceive policy makers and the public into believing >that the scientific evidence shows human activities are causing global >warming." > >This one shocking display of the sheer dishonesty that marks the >political drive to impose destructive "carbon taxes and restraints on >economic growth" as Seitz put it, should warn the world that these >would-be tyrants riding the wave of the global warming hysteria they >have created simply cannot be trusted.It is vitally important that the >significance of this incident not be overlooked: If human activities >are not causing climate changes it follows that the blame for any such >changes must fall squarely on the shoulders of Mother Nature. And the >whole case for imposing drastic economic and political restrictions on >the nations and peoples of the world collapses! > >Just what lies behind this scientific trickery? > >Earlier in this series, we quoted Dr. George Kaplan's assertion that >the Global Warming theory could well be "the last stand of an arrant >scientific ideology." > >What he wrote bears repeating here: "Such a hypothesis can be >acceptable to some, but the obvious failing of the theory in the face >of global catastrophe argues for a more substantial motivation. > >"It would pay to investigate this motivation further to consider >whether politics has been responsive to poor science or whether >economics and politics have made false tools out of science for narrow >interests. > >"If the latter is true the manipulation and subversion of the truth >seeking apparatus by political and private interests is, in the >present situation, of such extreme malevolence that it ranks as the >greatest malfeasance in history. We are headed for a situation where >mankind may be forced to confront the question of whether the >political mode as we have known it over the past 8,000 years is >innately incapable of dealing with serious problems." > >Although the media has ignored the shocking revelation of hanky panky >at the IPCC, at least one journalist, Robert Samuelson has seen the >global warming issue for what it is: "A gushing source of national >hypocrisy." > >The subversion of science to the cynical political interests of the >Gores and Gorbachevs is explainable. That part of the scientific >community that has embraced the idea of global warming and put the >blame for it on mankind's' activities are simply falling in line with >the current wisdom -- a dangerous thing to ignore when you work for >the government or rely on government grants. Wrote Samuelson: "Hardly >anyone wants to admit candidly the uncertainties of global warming. >It's politically incorrect ... but it's political suicide to do >anything serious about it." This is serious business, for more reasons >than one. > >To begin with, as we have seen, the most economically and poltically >destructive measures are being justified by a flawed premise that >mankind is busy screwing up the environment to the point that the >world is in danger of being roasted like a suckling pig on a spit. > >Even more serious is the fact that all of the signs point to the >impending onset of glaciation. And because the world is focusing on >the specious idea of global warming, nothing is being done to prepare >mankind for the disasters that lie immediately ahead. > >As we have seen, the climate changes we are witnessing are being >brought on by a natural process which accompanies the end of an >interglacial period. And that process is irreversible. Mother Nature >is determined to have her way and nothing we can do will prevent her >from going about the business of repairing the damage done to the >planet by the demineralization of the earth's soil. > >Given that fact, governments should be concentrating on preparing for >the cataclysm to come, not wasting their time and treasure fighting >the will-o-the-wisp of global warming. Next week we'll conclude this >report by looking closely at what we can expect as the interglacial >comes to an end. > >Part 8 is now online at: http://www.pacg.com/pvbr/ >for parts one through seven e-mail pvbr@gate.net > <snip> ======================================================================== Paul Andrew Mitchell : Counselor at Law, federal witness B.A., Political Science, UCLA; M.S., Public Administration, U.C. 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