Time: Wed Oct 01 05:51:46 1997 by primenet.com (8.8.5/8.8.5) with ESMTP id FAA00764; Wed, 1 Oct 1997 05:35:33 -0700 (MST) by usr05.primenet.com (8.8.5/8.8.5) with SMTP id FAA01958; Wed, 1 Oct 1997 05:25:31 -0700 (MST) Date: Wed, 01 Oct 1997 05:25:03 -0700 To: (Recipient list suppressed) From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar] Subject: SLS: Education: The Real Budget Time Bomb (fwd) <snip> > > > >The following article by Dr. Van Eaton of the Lincoln Heritage Institute >and Manager of the Economics Department of Hillsdale College outlines the >events that have been set in motion by the Congress and President. For >additional information, or to read additional article on the status of >U.S. education contact C. Grady Drago, President of the Lincoln Heritage >Institute, or go to the Institute's home page >http://members.aol.com/lhiadmof. I also suggest you ask about the >GUARDIAN program. > > "Education: The Real Budget Time Bomb" >By Charles Van Eaton, Ph.D., Chairman of Lincoln Heritage Institute's >Advisory Committee on Economics and Finance > >Almost immediately after agreement was reached on the broad outlines of >the FY 1998 budget, the president said, "This is the greatest increase in >spending for education in three decades. Education will be the big >winner. Education is at the very core of our new budget--an investment >which will carry us into the 21st Century." > >I take this to mean that our president is getting essentially what he >wants in this budget. He has spoken of this budget as a budget which >preserves what he calls "our values." Central to that value is more >spending on education. Whether it's spending to help children read or >spending to make it possible for kids to go to college, this budget aims >to accomplish these goals. (I note that there is absolutely nothing wrong >with this. My concern is not with who got what, but whether what he got >is right for not just the country now, but for the future as well.) > >On education: If it actually goes through as he wants, the education >component of this budget--particularly the provision which provides tax >deductions and credits for higher education costs--will quickly become an >entitlement monster. It will be almost impossible to eliminate even when >(not if, but when) evidence makes it clear that this provision will make >the matters worse rather than better. Once begun, this subsidy coupled >with more spending on K-12 education programs, will pour billions down >what will quickly become a fiscal black hole which absorbs everything >which goes in without emitting any thing of substance. > >Regarding spending on higher education via tax credits, there is a piece >of history far too often ignored: the more higher education is >subsidized, the more it costs. The more it costs, the more it has to be >subsidized. (College administrators know enough economics to understand >the concept of "reservation price." They know that when families are >being subsidized, they can raise their tuition charges so that when it's >all over the typical family will still have to dig a certain amount out >of their own pocket to cover the bill. Subsidizing costs will only raise >costs. It's a vicious circle. This circle has to be broken. Now is the >time to do it. Someone of courage needs to stand on the floor of either >Chamber of Congress and say, "Not one dime more for education. Not one >dime less because the demons who run the system have locked-in their >budgets, but not one dime more this year or any year in the future. Not >one dime more because we all know, but have been scared to admit it, that >more money now cannot do anything good and would certainly do harm. It's >time to starve the beast." > >I first entered the college classroom as a teacher in 1965. I found >most of my students ready to handle the level of mathematics one >generally has to use in teaching economics. In addition, I found their >writing and reasoning skills to be pretty solid. My students were not >top-of-the-class types because this was not an ordinary college crowd. >These were students who weren't quite ready for the rigors of full-time >college work. This was evening college and most of my pupils held >full-time jobs during the day. > >Now, in my 32nd year in the college classroom, I'm teaching young people >who come to our reasonably selective college from the top fifteen percent >of some of the better high schools in America. Yet I continue to find >that they are not one whit better or smatter than the kids I had long >ago. Indeed they are far less well prepared in mathematics and writing >than were my working-class southern students long ago in the days before >the birth of Lyndon Johnson's Great Society and the beginning of unending >dollars for higher education costs. > >Federal spending on education of the type which exists today was >unknown when I attended college and virtually unknown when I began to >teach at the college level. There were federal student loan programs in >the early and mid-1960s -- largely a product of the scare which followed >our early failure and Russia's early success in launching a space >satellite. Money poured from Washington to help train scientists for the >future space wars which everyone knew were upon us. Like all federal >spending, it spilled over into all kinds of programs, few of which had >anything to do with training scientists and engineers. Once on the books, >and once the colleges found their way to the trough, it grew, and hasn't >stopped growing. > >And from that point on, the cost of sending a kid to college has >continued to rise faster than the rate of inflation. Indeed, if one were >to track their relative cost increases from the mid-1960s to the present, >one would find that both health care and higher education costs have >increased at about the same rate--and for the same reason: both have been >heavily subsidized by taxpayer money passed through Washington. > >Kids do not read as well or as early as they once did. They are not >as computationally competent as they once were at the end of twelve years >of schooling. They know less history. They know little or no geography. > In the face of this our president and college administrators all across >the nation are crying for more support for higher education because they >can argue that college training is more important than ever. > >Why is college so important? College is important because high schools >have become so weak. High school has been weakened because junior-high >school has become so weak. Junior high school has become so weak because >elementary school has become so weak. Elementary school has become weak >because kids are having trouble learning to read. Kids are having >trouble reading because they are being taught reading by methods >developed in colleges of education which seem to have had -- and which >will continue to have if the president gets what he wants -- more federal >money to play with in an effort to justify more of the federal money they >love to play with. Now our president wants more money to send kids to >college so they can volunteer to go out and teach kids to read by at >least the third grade. > >Kids used to routinely be able to read at the end of the first grade. >Kids in Wesley Elementary in Houston, Texas, read above norms at the end >of the first grade. They also outscore other kids in the Houston system >in all areas be the end of the third grade. But their principal and >their teachers are considered out of step by the Houston education >establishment -- indeed they have been attacked by the education >professionals who have come to their current level of destructive power >by virtue of all the federal money spent on higher education in the past. > >Wesley Elementary serves black and hispanic kids. Single-parent >families are the norm. The principal is black. So are most of the >teachers. They use phonics to teach reading. They use old fashioned >drill to teach arithmetic. They use directed teaching methods -- the old >fashioned way of teaching. And they use discipline. > >All the federal spending in the past was aimed at getting rid of the old >methods still stubbornly used at Wesley Elementary. Keep feeding the >monster with federal money and they may succeed in killing off all the >old fashioned folks like those at Wesley Elementary. Then after more >billions some future president may call for more federal money to assure >that all kids will be able to read by the fourth grade. > >Wesley Elementary works not because we spend money on education. It >works because courageous people refuse to be intimidated by all the folks >whose power if fed by federal money. The issue is not more money. The >issue is starving the monster which is trying to devour the schools which >work. It's time to stop feeding the education monster with more federal >money -- whether direct or indirect. I'm waiting for some conservative to >make this case in this budget. But I don't think I'll hold my breath. >------- >To subscribe to c-news, send the message SUBSCRIBE C-NEWS, or the message >UNSUBSCRIBE C-NEWS to unsubscribe, to majordomo@world.std.com. Contact >owner-c-news@world.std.com if you have questions. > > > ======================================================================== Paul Andrew Mitchell, Sui Juris : Counselor at Law, federal witness B.A., Political Science, UCLA; M.S., Public Administration, U.C. Irvine : tel: (520) 320-1514: machine; fax: (520) 320-1256: 24-hour/day-night email: [address in tool bar] : using Eudora Pro 3.0.3 on 586 CPU website: http://supremelaw.com : visit the Supreme Law Library now ship to: c/o 2509 N. Campbell, #1776 : this is free speech, at its best Tucson, Arizona state : state zone, not the federal zone Postal Zone 85719/tdc : USPS delays first class w/o this _____________________________________: As agents of the Most High, we came here to establish justice. We shall not leave, until our mission is accomplished and justice reigns eternal. ======================================================================== [This text formatted on-screen in Courier 11, non-proportional spacing.]
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