Time: Fri Sep 19 23:38:12 1997 by usr05.primenet.com (8.8.5/8.8.5) with SMTP id WAA20198; Fri, 19 Sep 1997 22:08:26 -0700 (MST) Date: Fri, 19 Sep 1997 22:08:10 -0700 To: (Recipient list suppressed) From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar] Subject: SLS: The Nobility <snip> > > Lawyer and lawyer judge > courts are unconstitutional > > > READ ABOUT THE INTERNATIONAL CONSPIRACY > OF THE LAWYERS TO DESTROY THE UNITED STATES > > > Since the BIGGEST CRIMES in the world are > committed IN the courtrooms by lawyers and > lawyer-judges AGAINST the people in > unconstitutional courts, we, the people, must > protect ourselves where we need the most > protection, in the courtrooms, FROM the lawyers > and lawyer-judges. > > The courts are always ruling against the people, > as the lawyers and their bar associations, which > are affiliated with each other INTERNATIONALLY, > have joined in an INTERNATIONAL CONSPIRACY > AGAINST THE PEOPLE of the UNITED STATES FROM > WITHIN (TREASON). They already have taken over > the courts and the government, and ALL political > parties, where they all take orders from ONE > FRONT OFFICE, the offices of the internationally > affiliated bar associations, making a "ONE PARTY > SYSTEM," the BAR ASSOCIATION PARTY. > > This necessitated an URGENT need to form a 2nd > political party, the ANTI-LAWYER PARTY, where all > lawyers and those who attended law school are > barred from this 2nd party (ALP). > > All the states have unconstitutional aristocratic > courts, as their constitutions and/or > unconstitutional "lawyer systems" require judges > to be lawyers, creating a RULING CLASS, which is > FORBIDDEN by Art. IV, Sec. 4, of the U.S. > Constitution. The U.S. Constitution GUARANTEES to > every state in this union a REPUBLICAN FORM of > government, any other form of government is > FORBIDDEN. No public office or branch of govern- > ment can be limited to a RULING CLASS of any > kind, or the states become ARISTOCRACIES and > NOT republics. Also, the lawyers have made them- > selves 1st class citizens, where all public > offices and all three branches of governement are > open to lawyers only. All other people are > limited to only 2 branches of government and to > only certain offices in those 2 branches of > government, making all people who are non-lawyers > into 2nd class citizens. > > When the courts belong to the people, as the U.S. > Constitution REQUIRES (Art. IV, Sec. 4), we, the > people, will NEVER EVER rule against ourselves. > > In these unconstitutional courts (hoodlum > centers), "men" in black dresses, wearing > unconstitutional ROBES OF NOBILITY (Art. 1, Secs. > 9 and 10), with a lot of hanky-panky and > hocus-pocus, dispence a perverted IDIOTology, > where the people are terrorized by terrorists > (lawyers and lawyer-judges) in the courts. > > The judicial branch of government does NOT have > the constitutional power to issue court orders or > any other kind of orders. > > Only Presidents and governors have the > constitutional power to grant PARDONS, but > lawyers and lawyer-judges are unconstitutionally > granting PARDONS with "immunity from > prosecution." > > Citizens are not permitted to act like people in > the courts. The citizen (2nd class) is told that > he does not knw how to fill out fancy lawyer > forms; that he is not trained in the law; that he > does not know court rules and procedures; etc. > This is unconstitutional (1st Amend.), as it > denies the citizen access to the courts, which > are supposed to belong to the people. Instead, > all "our" courts are owned by lawyers (traitors) > internationally. > > Under this unconstitutional "lawyer system," only > HEARSAY SUBSTITUTES (lawyers), NOT under oath, > have access to the courts even though ONLY sworn > testimony and evidence can be presented in court, > anything else is Bill of Attainder, NOT permitted > under the U.S. Constitution (Art. 1. Secs. 9 & > 10). > > The U.S. Constitution does NOT give anyone the > right to a lawyer, or the right to counsel, or > the right to any other HEARSAY SUBSTITUTE. The > 6th Amendment is very SPECIFIC, that the accused > ONLY has the right to the ASSISTANCE of counsel > and this ASSISTANCE of counsel can be anyone the > accused chooses, WITHOUT limitation. > > Lawyers and lawyer-judges created > unconstitutional "lawyer system" pre-trial > "Motions" and "Hearings" to have eternal > EXTORTIONISTIC litigation, which is BARRATRY and > also in violation of the U.S. Constitution, as > this places defendants in DOUBLE JEOPARDY a > hundred times over. Defendants only have a right > to a TRIAL, NOT TRIALS. The multitude of > pre-trials are actually pre-trials for the > pre-trials and pre-trials for the > pre-pre-trials, benefitting the lawyers only. > These pre-trials and post-trials too, started > with the TAKE-OVER of the courts by the > INTERNATIONALLY affiliated bar associations, in a > CONSPIRACY, before this, defendants only had a > trial, NOT TRIALS. > > When a criminal is freed on a "TECHNICALITY," he > is freed because of a FIX and a PAY-OFF, as a > defendant can only be freed if found innocent BY > A JURY, NOT BY ANY TECHNICALITY." > > Whenever a lawyer is involved in a case directly > or indirectly, as a litigant or assisting in > counsel, ALL lawyer-judges have to disqualify > themselves, as there cannot be a constitutional > trial and also there would be a violation of the > conflict of interest laws, along with the > violation of separation of powers and checks and > balances, because "Officers of the Court" are on > both sides of the BENCH. > > These same LAWYER-judges are awarding or > approving LAWYER FEES, directly and indirectly, > amounting to BILLIONS OF DOLLARS ANNUALLY, all in > violation of the conflict of interest laws. > > Since crime and treason is against the law, and > the lawyer proession is a crooked profession, a > LEGAL BOUNTY should be placed on ALL LAWYERS > (betrayers) and all those who are aiding and > abetting these traitors, the lawyers. > > As long as there are lawyers, there will never > ever be any law, constitution, or justice. > There will only be MOB RULE, RULE BY A MOB OF > LAWYERS (TRAITORS). > > CASE "LAW" is unconstitutional, as CASE "LAW" IS > ENACTED BY THE JUDICIAL BRANCH OF GOVERNMENT. > > When a lawyer-judge instructs, directs, or gives > orders to a jury, the lawyer-judge is TAMPERING > WITH THE JURY. He also tampers with testimony, > when he orders the answers to be either "yes" or > "no". The lawyer-judge also tampers, fixes, and > rigs the trial when he orders anything stricken > from the record, or when he "rules" certain > evidence and the truth to be inadmissable. This > makes the trial and transcripts FIXED and RIGGED, > because the jury does not hear the REAL TRUTH and > ALL THE FACTS. Juries are made into puppets by > the lawyers and lawyer-judges. > > All lawyers are automatically in the judicial > branch of government, as they have the > unconstitutional "TITLE OF NOBILITY" (Art. 1, > Secs. 9 & 10), "Officer of the Court." Citizens > have to be elected or hired to be in any branch > of government but non-lawyer citizens are limited > to only 2 of the 3 branches of government. > Lawyers, as 1st class citizens, can be hired or > elected to any of the 3 branches of government. > Lawyers, "Officers of the Court," in the Judicial > Branch, are unconstitutionally in 2 branches of > government AT THE SAME TIME whenever they are > hired or elected to the executive or legislative > branches, this is in violation of the separation > of powers, checks and balances, and the conflict > of interest laws. > > The 6th Amendment states, "the accused shall > enjoy the right to a SPEEDY and PUBLIC TRIAL." > Yet, lawyer-judges have lawyers (HEARSAY > SUBSTITUTES) approach the bench and talk in > whispers, meet in the judge's chambers, talk in > SECRET, send the jury OUT of the courtroom, etc. > Also lawyer-judges order the litigants, > witnesses, lawyers, news media, etal. from > discussing the trial, making the trial an > unconstitutional SECRET TRIAL, NOT A PUBLIC > TRIAL. > > No one can be sentenced to prison unless > convicted of a crime BY A JURY (THE PEOPLE). Only > the people (THE JURY) have the POWER to decide > the guilt or innocence of the accused as Art. > III, Sec. 2 Cl. 3, of the U.S. Constitution > states, "The trial of ALL CRIMES, except in cases > of impeachment, SHALL BE BY JURY." Since this is > a CONSTITUTIONAL REQUIREMENT, a trial by jury > cannot be "waived," as ONLY A JURY, under the > U.S. Constitution, has the POWER to decide the > guilt or innocence of the accused. > > In a REPUBLIC, NOTHING is above the PEOPLE and > the PEOPLE make the decisions, NOT A RULING > CLASS. That is why a jury's verdict cannot be > reversed by any government official, such as a > lawyer-judge or anyone else. If a lawyer-judge or > lawyer-judges can reverse a jury's verdict, then, > that would place them above the people, makin > "our" government an ARISTOCRACY and NOT A > REPUBLIC. A jury (the PEOPLE) can even veto > stupid and unjust legislation, by finding victims > of stupid and unjust laws, passed by the lawyers > in the legislatures, innocent, even though they > pleaded guilty. THE PEOPLE IN A REPUBLIC ARE > SOVEREIGN. > > In CONTEMPT OF COURT, Yet, persons held in CONTEMPT > there is: OF COURT, are LYNCHED by a > DESPOT, a lawyer-judge, > who does: > > NO Due Process of Law > NO Arrest the Accusing > NO Rights Read the Prosecuting > NO Bail the Convicting and > NO Habeas Corpus the Sentencing, > NO Prosecutor ALL WITHOUT A TRIAL- LYNCHING > NO Jury AND > NO Trial - LYNCHING ALL THIS IS A BILL OF ATTAINDER > (Art. 1, Secs. 9 & 10) > > Lawyer-judges have been releasing from prison > criminals, who have raped and murdered little > children, because their "rights" were not read to > them. But, contempt of court LYNCH VICTIMS never > ever had their "rights" read to them, remain in > prison. > > The lawyer-judges ORDER law enforcement officers, > who also are sworn to support the U.S. > Constitution, to imprison contempt of court LYNCH > VICTIMS and to be a part of a LYNCH MOB. Law > enforcement officers should REFUSE to obey these > DESPOTIC ILLEGAL ORDERS to imprison contempt of > court LYNCH VICTIMS and refuse to be a part of a > LYNCH MOB. No one has to obey an illegal order. > > Since ther is NO TRIAL in CONTEMPT OF COURT, an > unconstitutional DESPOTIC POWER, there is no > trial to appeal. Instead, the lawyer-judge and > anyone else who took part in this LYNCHING, or > being part of a LYNCH MOB, should be arrested and > held for the grand jury to be INDICTED FOR > LYNCHING (A VIOLENT CRIME). > > Under the UNCONSTITUTIONAL DESPOTIC "LAWYER > SYSTEM" we now have, a COURT ORDER could be > issued declaring that anyone who violates a law, > of any kind, would be in violation of a COURT > ORDER and BE HELD IN CONTEMPT OF COURT (LYNCHED). > > In court, lawyers cue the lawyer-judges with > certain words and phrases, directing and > signalling the type of fix to take place. The > most extreme inhuman punishment is inflictd on > a victim when a lawyer "signals" the > lawyer-judge that the victim has extreme > disrespect for the legal profession and the > judiciary, or that the victim will not "co- > operate." All cases are fixed with these and > other cues and signals, which have nothing to do > with the law or the U.S. Constitution. > > District Attorneys and States Attorneys have > taken over the grand juries FROM the people, > where the people are DENIED ACCESS to the grand > juries when they attempt to present evidence of > crimes committed in the courtrooms by the lawyers > and lawyer-judges. TRY TAKING THIS MATERIAL TO > THE GRAND JURIES! > > The U.S. Constitution being the supreme > fundamental law, is not and CANNOT be ambiguous > as to be interpreted, or it would be a worthless > piece of paper and we would have millions of > interpretations (unconstitutional amendments). > That is why all judges and public officials are > SWORN TO SUPPORT the U.S. Constitution, NOT to > interpret it. Imagine hypothetically how stupid > it would be if any constitution stated, "that the > judicial branch of government has the power to > interpret this constitution." > > Lawyer-judges practice medicine WITHOUT A LICENCE > by forcing psychiatric treatments on victims > who insist on telling the truth and exercising > their constitutional rights. > > Organized crime never ever existed until the bar > associations have taken over the courts and the > government. Now crime is organized inter- > nationally, just as the bar associations are > organized, where some of their international > affiliations include: International Judicial > Association, International Trial Lawyers > Association, World Peace Through Law Center, > World Assembly of Judges, etal. This means that > the Bar Associations are not only the > INTERNATIONAL CRIME SYNDICATE, but also the > INTERNATIONAL WORLD GOVERNMENT and INTERNATIONAL > COMMUNIST PARTY. Under INTERNATIONAL ORDERS, ALL > LAWYERS, whether they left law school yesterday > or 50 years ago, are EXACTLY THE SAME. All > lawyers have to file the same motions and follow > the same procedures in using the same > unconstitutional "lawyer system" of hanky-panky > and hocus-pocus, and to DESTROY THE UNITED STATES > FROM WITHIN by always ruling AGAINST THE PEOPLE. > ALL LAWYERS ARE GUILTY OF TREASON. > > In probate, the lawyers place themselves in > everyone's will and estate. When there are minor > children as heirs, the lawyer-judges appoint a > lawyer for EACH CHILD and, at times, the lawyer > fees EXCEED the total amount of the estate. > > An OUTRAGEOUS amount of TAX MONEY is directly and > indirectly STOLEN BY LAWYERS. Money that is > budgeted to County School Boards and other local > and federal agencies eventually finds its way > into the pockets of lawyers, as ALL of these > agencies are "TRICKED" and "FORCED" into ETERNAL > EXTORTIONISTIC LITAGATION. > > In elections VOTE AGAINST ALL LAWYERS. Never ever > vote for a lawyer. Vote FOR non-lawyers ONLY. If > only lawyers are running for election to the same > office, do not vote for any of them, as they are > ALL ALIKE. ALL lawyers are programmed to be > TRAITORS AND INHUMAN CLONES. > > THE ANTI-LAWYER PARTY FIGHTS LAWYERS ONLY, > ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ELSE, AS THIS ONE FIGHT WINS > ALL THE FIGHTS. THERE IS NO OTHER WAY OF SAVING > THE PEOPLE, THE U.S. CONSTITUTION, AND THE UNITED > STATES. > > START A LOCAL CHAPTER IN YOUR AREA OF THE > ANTI-LAWYER PARTY (ALP) (the 2nd Party) > > ANTI-LAWYER PARTY ======================================================================== Paul Andrew Mitchell : Counselor at Law, federal witness B.A., Political Science, UCLA; M.S., Public Administration, U.C. Irvine tel: (520) 320-1514: machine; fax: (520) 320-1256: 24-hour/day-night email: [address in tool bar] : using Eudora Pro 3.0.3 on 586 CPU website: http://www.supremelaw.com : visit the Supreme Law Library now ship to: c/o 2509 N. Campbell, #1776 : this is free speech, at its best Tucson, Arizona state : state zone, not the federal zone Postal Zone 85719/tdc : USPS delays first class w/o this As agents of the Most High, we came here to establish justice. We shall not leave, until our mission is accomplished and justice reigns eternal. ======================================================================== [This text formatted on-screen in Courier 11, non-proportional spacing.]
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