Comments Clarifying
for Dummies”
March 7, 2010 A.D.
I think we have succeeded in focusing attention where it
needs to be, as far as Citizenship in America is concerned:
The distinction between "citizens of the United
States" and "white citizens" in the Federal statute at 42 U.S.C. 1982, in
retrospect appears to be an artifact of legal decisions made immediately
after the Civil War ended in 1865 A.D. See Dyett v.
Turner here.
In this context it is definitely a very revealing
artifact, because it makes all the more obvious the facts that federal citizenship was
originally intended for black Americans recently freed by the Thirteenth Amendment,
and ONLY for those black Americans.
That Federal statute also
mandates the unavoidable inference that "white citizens" are NOT
"citizens of the United States", as least as far as that statute is
The defensible points that have emerged from our latter
essay are these:
(1) none of the 3 branches of the
Federal government has any authority to amend the Constitution for the United States of
America; this means, simply, that
Congress may NOT do so with any Acts of Congress whether those Acts be
municipal in scope (1:8:17
+ 4:3:2) or national in
scope (see the remaining Clauses at Article I, Section 8); cf. Article V for the proper procedure
for amending the U.S. Constitution;
Qualifications Clauses, the Diversity Clause, and the Privileges and Immunities Clause
in the U.S. Constitution have never been amended, in point of fact; and, the 1866 Civil Rights Act certainly
did not do so;
than to amend that Constitution properly after the U.S. Supreme Court
issued their decision in Dred Scott, Congress attempted to bypass Article V by unilaterally enacting
the 1866 Civil Rights Act instead; in other words, Congress did NOT
formally consult the several State Legislatures, nor did Congress attempt to
obtain the formal approval of three-fourths of those State Legislatures, when
it enacted that Federal statute;
some Courts have correctly assigned credit to that Act for creating a second class of "federal citizens"
as expressly defined in Black’s
Law Dictionary, our careful analysis confirms the following grounds for
challenging its constitutionality now, as follows:
we now know, the term "United States" has three (3) different
legal meanings; but, which of those
3 meanings Congress intended for the phrase "citizen of the United
States" was not defined in that Act;
this is crucial;
to confuse "Citizens" with "citizens" was
fraud in the first instance, specifically because it was fraud in the
inducement, as defined in legal dictionaries e.g.: "the heart of this type of fraud is
misleading parties as to the facts upon which they will base their decision to
States" could never have meant the several (now 50) States of the Union,
because the U.S. Supreme Court only 10 years earlier had explained in
enormous detail that admitting black Americans into State Citizenship
-- i.e. being "Citizens of ONE OF the States united"
-- required a Constitutional Amendment;
see People v. De La
Guerra here;
States" could never have meant the nation either, using a different
legal meaning of that term, because Citizenship strictly speaking is a term of municipal
law: on this point, see Roa v.
is only one possibility remaining: using
a simple and straightforward process of elimination, "United
States" in the term "citizen of the United States" must
mean, and can ONLY refer to, the District of Columbia
as the seat of municipal government for the entire federal zone;
deceiving the vast majority of succeeding generations of Americans falsely to
identify themselves as "citizens of the United States" was
also fraud in the inducement, using devious propaganda such as claims
that America is a "democracy" -- when the Guarantee Clause clearly
requires a Republican Form of Government for the several (now 50)
States; democracies enjoy majority
rule, whereas Republics enjoy the Rule of Law;
construed as it should be, the Guarantee
Clause does NOT require a Republican Form of Government for the federal zone e.g. D.C., so Congress was
legally free to create a different form of government there, and so it
has; the federal zone is an absolute legislative
democracy, as confirmed by Justice Harlan's dissent
in Downes v.
along these same lines, the current population of federal citizens who now
inhabit the 50 States of the Union are an absolute legislative democracy,
by law, because they owe primary allegiance to a jurisdiction which is not
protected by that Guarantee
Clause, namely, D.C.;
when Congress expressly extended the entire Constitution into D.C. in 1871 -- specifically when
it incorporated D.C. but NOT the
"United States"
as such -- it necessarily forced us
to compare "United States" as that term occurs in the legal terms for
each of 2 classes of citizens;
also forced us to compare all occurrences of "Citizen" as they
occur in the organic Constitution, with the widespread
occurrences of the other word "citizen" as originally
authorized by the 1866 Civil Rights Act
and by all subsequent Federal legislation e.g. Privacy Act, Internal Revenue Code,
Federal UCC, etc. ad nauseam;
accordingly, I am convinced we now have
sufficient grounds for formally challenging the constitutionality of the 1866 Civil Rights Act, as being
demonstrably void for vagueness ab
initio: unconstitutionality
dates from the moment of its enactment, not from any decision so branding that
furthermore, we also have sufficient
grounds for proposing the correct
Constitutional Amendment now, which will need to add an enforcement clause
like the one found in the Thirteenth
Amendment banning slavery and involuntary servitude, and ideally also a
separate clause which expressly repeals the so-called Fourteenth amendment with
prejudice (it cannot ever amend
the Constitution ever again);
in conclusion, time and resources permitting, my office now intends to
submit formal PETITIONs to the U.S.
Senators and U.S. Representatives from Washington State, to sponsor the
appropriate RESOLUTION
for a vote in the House and Senate, to initiate the correct process for
amending the Constitution as described above.
Thank you for your continuing interest in this ongoing saga.
Sincerely yours,
/s/ Paul Andrew Mitchell,
B.A., M.S.
Private Attorney General, 18 U.S.C. 1964(a)
Criminal Investigator and Federal Witness: 18 U.S.C. 1510, 1512-13
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