TO:        Jack L. Wagner, Clerk of Court

           501 “I” Street, Suite 4-200

           Sacramento 95814-2322

           CALIFORNIA, USA


FROM:      Paul Andrew Mitchell, Plaintiff

           Mitchell v. AOL Time Warner, Inc. et al.

           #CIV. S-01-1480 WBS DAD PS


DATE:      January 22, 2002 A.D.



           (filed December 31, 2001 A.D.)



Dear Mr. Wagner:


Happy New Year to you and your entire staff!


I continue to experience unexplained problems receiving UPS shipments of mail from our Forwarding Agent in Oakland, California.  One entire shipment with December’s documents remains unaccounted for.


Most urgently, the FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS authored by Mr. Drozd on December 28, 2001 A.D. were not delivered to me until noon of last Friday, January 18, 2002 A.D.


Because of its importance, I re-scheduled everything else and worked overtime during the past three days writing, editing, signing, collating and printing my reply.


We had planned to file and serve that reply via Priority U.S. Mail tomorrow, but I woke up this morning to several inches of snow on the ground (dead of winter here!)


I am living in the country outside of a small town in Northern California, and the dirt roads become impassible in the hill country, whenever it snows.


So, I am snowed in for a few days, and want you and others to know that we will be posting my finished reply to Mr. Drozd just as soon as humanly possible.  If funds are available, we will try to post your 2 copies via Express U.S. Mail.


Also, please be advised of the new destination for my U.S. Mail:


Paul Andrew Mitchell

c/o General Delivery

Phillipsville 95559-9999



Mr. Wagner, I also want to take this opportunity to express my sincere appreciation for all the help I have received to date from your professional staff.


They have been kind, courteous, and most efficient, particularly with the unusually large amount of paperwork that my case has generated.


Thank you very much.



Sincerely yours,


/s/ Paul Andrew Mitchell


Paul Andrew Mitchell

Private Attorney General


U.S. Mail:


   c/o General Delivery

   Phillipsville 95559-9999



copy:  Hon. William B. Shubb

       U.S. District Judge

       c/o Tim Hinkle (via email)