TO:        Jack L. Wagner

           Clerk of Court

           501 “I” Street, Suite 4-200

           Sacramento 95814-2322

           CALIFORNIA, USA


FROM:      Paul Andrew Mitchell, Plaintiff

           Mitchell v. AOL Time et al. Warner, Inc. et al.

           DCUS Sacramento #CIV. S-01-1480 WBS DAD PS


DATE:      February 11, 2002 A.D.


SUBJECT:   Missing Consent Forms (USDC-EDCA Form.9)



Greetings Mr. Wagner:


I am writing to request that you copy and mail to me any and all Consent Forms that have been signed and communicated to your office in the above entitled case.


According to the statute at 28 U.S.C. 636(c)(2), a decision to consent to the exercise of civil jurisdiction by a Magistrate Judge shall be communicated to the Clerk of Court.  See also USDC‑EDCA Form.8 (“Notice of Right to Consent to the Exercise of  Civil Jurisdiction by a Magistrate Judge and Appeal Option”).


I do not find any requirement that signed Consent Forms be communicated to the parties.


As you may already know, I declined to give my consent to civil jurisdiction by any Magistrate Judges.  However, it is possible that someone may have forged my signature.


Also, I desire to know which (if any) of the named Defendants executed this Consent Form as well.


Please expedite copies of all Consent Forms filed in this case by mailing them to me at the mailing location shown below.  If no Consent Forms have been filed, please indicate same in your reply.



Sincerely yours,


/s/ Paul Andrew Mitchell


Paul Andrew Mitchell, B.A., M.S.

c/o general delivery

Phillipsville 95559-9999



copy:  Cathy Catterson, Clerk of Ninth Circuit