August 1, 1999

Dear Neighbor,

We have recently commenced an international boycott of
America Online, Inc. ("AOL") for its direct complicity
in violating  my  copyrights  in  "The  Federal  Zone:
Cracking the  Code of  Internal  Revenue,"  electronic
fourth edition.

We have  already filed  criminal complaints  with  the
F.B.I.,  with the  9th Circuit  Court  of  Appeals  in
California, and  with certain  mayors  and  chiefs  of
police (in Boston, New York City, Los Angeles, and San

More criminal complaints are scheduled to be issued in
the immediate future, as soon as our Copyright Amnesty
Program   expires   at   midnight   ending   Saturday,

Very few   violators have taken advantage of our "hold
harmless" offer.   Unfortunately for them, the minimum
we  will   accept  to  hold  them  harmless  now,  has
increased  substantially to $7,500.00 min., due to the
criminal nature  of their several violations,  and the
enormous consequential damages I have sustained so far
--  to enforce my exclusive rights in this work.

For background information, please read URL's:

and the related URL's listed therein.

Accordingly, we  decline to assist any Internet users,
as long as their email or domain server is AOL.COM.

We  attempted  to  settle  this  criminal  controversy
quietly,  by directly contacting  Mr. James Barksdale,
member of  AOL's Board  of Directors,  in May of 1999.
However, Mr. Barksdale chose to fall silent.

You may  contact  Mr. Barksdale through  Spark  Public
Relations,  located  in  Palo Alto,  California.   For
further details, please see Internet URL:

You have  our permission  to forward  intact copies of
this announcement to anyone of your choosing.

See the Lanham Act for treble damages  which attach to
any false representations  of the origins of modified,
or derivative works: et seq.

The  stolen and modified copies of  "The Federal Zone"
were not authentic, warranting triple damages.

With sincere regrets,

/s/ Paul Andrew Mitchell

Paul Andrew Mitchell, B.A., M.S.
Counselor at Law, Federal Witness,
Private Attorney General, Author
(early editions under a pen name),
and Webmaster: Supreme Law Library:

All Rights Reserved without Prejudice

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