September 21, 2016 A.D.



IRS Office of Chief Counsel Now Obstructing a

Federal Tort Claim after Protecting Lois Lerner



Personnel of the IRS Chief Counsel's Office in Washington, D.C., are now suspected of obstructing a proper administrative tort claim initially submitted to the U.S. Marshals Service by Paul Andrew Mitchell, a nationally recognized Private Attorney General.


The IRS Chief Counsel's Office is the same group implicated in aiding and abetting Lois Lerner's systematic retaliations against Tea Party affiliates and conservative organizations whose applications for tax-exempt status were intentionally and corruptly delayed.


This evidence now calls for the conclusion that the Lois Lerner scandal also orchestrated criminal retaliations against individuals and activists, in addition to organizations reportedly targeted by Lerner and her accomplices.


The Supreme Law Firm has now obtained a copy of email correspondence between Lois Lerner and Mark S. Kaizen, Associate Chief Counsel for the IRS.  Disclosure of that email was compelled by litigation originally commenced by the organization Judicial Watch.


The administrative tort claim in question was initially submitted by Paul Andrew Mitchell to the Office of General Counsel for the U.S. Marshals Service in Washington, D.C.  USMS personnel were principally responsible for his false arrest and false incarceration for 11 months during 2014.


And, when Mitchell was finally released in December 2014, USMS personnel attempted to throw him out of the Gering, Nebraska jail into 4 inches of snow at 4:30 PM on a Friday, with no clothes, no money, no food, no job, no friends and nowhere to go.


Mitchell recently obtained a copy of the USMS Policy Directives which leave no doubt that the USMS are responsible for all prisoner custody and all prisoner transportation.  Mitchell was never in any mode of IRS custody at any time during those 11 months.


Moreover, Gerald M. Auerbach, claiming to be the General Counsel for the USMS, has now failed to produce valid APPOINTMENT AFFIDAVITS, which are clearly required of all such Federal officers by the U.S. Constitution and by Acts of Congress which have implemented that Clause.


Auerbach referred Mitchell's tort claim to the IRS Office of Chief Counsel after what Auerbach described as "consultation with the Internal Revenue Service".  "IRS is the federal agency responsible for the final determination of your claim," Auerbach alleged in a letter dated December 21, 2015.

Auerbach then refused to disclose any names of IRS Chief Counsel personnel with whom he had consulted, after Mitchell followed up with a request for their identities.


Auerbach is also listed as the chief of the "Ethics Team" in the USMS General Counsel's Office.  All those Ethics Team members have now failed to produce any evidence of valid APPOINTMENT AFFIDAVITS, after Mitchell submitted proper FOIA Requests for their credentials.


Thus, not only was Auerbach in error by referring Mitchell's tort claim to the IRS;  he is also suspected now of impersonating an officer of the Federal Government in blatant violation of numerous sections of the Federal Criminal Code e.g. impersonation, mail fraud, witness retaliation, obstructing justice, and conspiring to engage in a pattern of racketeering activities.


Mark S. Kaizen attempted to "deny" Mitchell's tort claim for spurious reasons.  For example, Kaizen tried to say that Mitchell's tort claim had failed to state a claim for false arrest and false imprisonment under the laws of Wyoming and Washington State.  However, Mitchell had been moved a total of 55 different times, which caused him to cross the boundaries of many other States.


Moreover, after investigating the relevant Federal statutes and court decisions, Mitchell found no requirement that his original administrative tort claim needed to cite any such State laws by chapter and verse.


In any event, Kaizen's Office of Chief Counsel never had any jurisdiction to review or to "deny" Mitchell's tort claim, primarily because of the clear duties imposed upon the U.S. Marshals by their own written Policy Directives.


Like Auerbach's "Ethics Team," personnel employed by the IRS Office of Chief Counsel have also failed to produce evidence of valid APPOINTMENT AFFIDAVITS, after Mitchell promptly submitted FOIA Requests for that mandatory credential required of each of those personnel by applicable Federal statutes.


An Act of Congress at 5 U.S.C. 5507 even bars such personnel from being paid if they have not executed a valid U.S. Office of Personnel Management Standard Form 61.


Even though all have received extensive follow-up documentation in support of Mitchell's tort claim, the 2 U.S. Senators from Oregon and the Congressman representing the district where Mitchell now lives and works, have all fallen totally silent, even after Rep. Peter DeFazio agreed to assist with Mitchell's FOIA Requests.


Further reading:



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