Paul Andrew Mitchell, B.A., M.S.

c/o UPS PMB #332

501 W. Broadway, Suite “A”

San Diego 92101



tel:  (619) 234-5252 (msg)

fax:  (619) 234-5272


In Propria Persona


All Rights Reserved

without Prejudice



Supreme Court of the United States


October Term, 2002


Paul Andrew Mitchell,          )  No. 03-5070

                               )  9th Cir. No. 02-15269 and

          Plaintiff/Appellant, )  372(c)   No. 02-89005

     v.                        )

                               )  AFFIDAVIT IN SUPPORT OF

AOL Time Warner, Inc. et al.,  )  MOTION FOR LEAVE TO PROCEED

                               )  IN FORMA PAUPERIS:


_______________________________)  28 U.S.C. 1746(1).

I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that, because of my poverty condition, I am presently unable to pay for re‑formatting, re‑printing, re‑binding and serving my PETITION FOR WRIT OF CERTIORARI in Booklet Format, or to post any bond(s), in the instant case.

I borrowed funds to purchase a money order to pay the $300 docket fee I remitted, and I would like to request that this sum be refunded, so that I may use it to repay part of the funds I have borrowed.

I believe I am fully entitled to redress.

I affirm under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the United States of America, without the “United States” (federal government), that my answers below are true and correct, according to the best of my current information, knowledge and belief, so help me God, pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1746(1).

My issues on appeal are the following Questions Presented in the attached PETITION FOR WRIT OF CERTIORARI:


(1)  Is the Act of June 25, 1948, 62 Stat. 869 et seq., unconstitutional for exhibiting vagueness, for violating the ex post facto prohibition at Article I, Section 9, Clause 3, for violating the Separation of Powers at Article I, Section 1, and for violating the well established principle that federal statutes conferring original jurisdiction on federal district courts must be strictly construed?


(2)  Does the ex post facto Clause in the U.S. Constitution prohibit Congress from enacting or otherwise authorizing legislation which retroactively re‑defines the term “district courts” in federal statutes that pre‑date the Act of June 25, 1948, without expressly amending, or repealing and re‑enacting, those statutes?


(3)  Are there two (2) separate and distinct classes of federal district courts currently established and currently available to federal litigants within the 50 States: one constitutional and the other legislative?


(4)  Strictly construed, does the Rules Enabling Act at 28 U.S.C. 2072(a) limit this Court’s authority to promulgate rules of evidence and procedure only for United States District Courts, and not for the District Courts of the United States?


(5)  Is the Abrogation Clause at 28 U.S.C. 2072(b) in the Rules Enabling Act unconstitutional for violating the Separation of Powers Doctrine as founded upon Article I, Section 1?


(6)  Likewise, are the Local Rules for the federal district courts in Sacramento, California, expressly limited in scope to cases that proceed before the United States District Court for the Eastern District of California (“USDC”)?


(7)  Specifically, is a Local Rule “coercive” when it refers all Pro Per cases ‑‑ automatically and without the consent of all parties ‑‑ to U.S. magistrates appointed to that USDC and, as such, does that Local Rule also violate the Federal Magistrates Act, recent decisions of this Court, pertinent decisions of the Ninth Circuit, and Article III in the U.S. Constitution?


(8)  Strictly construed, did the Lanham Act at 60 Stat. 440 confer original jurisdiction on the District Courts of the United States (“DCUS”) but not on the United States District Courts (“USDC”) inside California State, and has that grant of original jurisdiction ever been amended by Congress?


(9)  Did Congress expressly extend the U.S. Constitution into D.C. in 1871 A.D. and into all federal Territories in 1873 A.D.?


(10) Are UNPUBLISHED Circuit Court opinions unconstitutional?


1.   Petitioner estimates the average amounts of money received during the past 12 months, as follows:

     Starting Balance:                     $   500  (July 1, 2002)


     Gross Receipts:

     (retainers, document sales,

      subscriptions, donations, etc.)

          12 months @ $1,500               $18,000  (approx.)


     Personal Loans:

     (Dr. Alden/The EyeCare Fund)

          52 weeks @ $100                  $ 5,200  (approx.)


               Subtotal:                   $23,700


2.   Work history (see attached Professional Resume)


     Gross monthly pay

     (1990 to present)                      $1,000 / month (average)


3.   Spouse’s work history (not married/not applicable)


4.   Cash on hand:                          $   20 (varies hourly)


5.   Assets:

          2 computers @ $500                $1,000 (used value)

          3 printers                        $1,500 (used value)

          misc. office furniture            $  250 (replacement cost)


6.   Every person, business or organization owing money to Petitioner:



     Defendant             Actual Damages  Treble Damages  Folder

     ---------             --------------  --------------  ---------

     Elizabeth Broderick  $10,845.46  x 3  $    32,536.38  broderick


     Eugene A. Burns      $ 2,100.00  x 3  $     6,300.00  burns


     Teresa Giordano      $11,984.00  x 3  $    35,952.00  giordano


     Gary Huss            $ 2,500.00  x 3  $     7,500.00  huss


     William M. Kemp      $ 1,800.00  x 3  $     5,400.00  kemp


     Joseph E. Lepetich   $   487.50  x 3  $     1,462.50  lepetich


     Lynne Meredith (1)   $   500.00  x 3  $     1,500.00  keller


     Lynne Meredith (2)   $ 3,600.00  x 3  $    10,800.00  meredith


     Neil T. Nordbrock,   $ 3,113.42  x 3  $     9,340.26  nordbrock


     Irvin H. Paugh       $ 7,262.48  x 3  $    21,787.44  paugh


     William D. Rippy     $ 7,372.45  x 3  $    22,117.35  rippy


     Lonnie G. Schmidt    $35,800.00  x 3  $   107,400.00  schmidt


     Sheila T. Wallen     $ 4,460.00  x 3  $    13,380.00  wallen


     Donald E. Wishart    $16,525.00  x 3  $    49,575.00  wishart


           GRAND TOTAL:  $108,350.31       $   325,050.93  (3x)



7.   Persons who rely upon Petitioner for support:  (none presently)


8.   Petitioner now estimates his average monthly expenses, and adjusts any payments to show the monthly rate:


    rent:               52 weeks @ $150  $7,800  ( $650/month)

    groceries:          365 days @  $10   3,650  (~$300/month)

    T-1 Internet access: 12 mos. @ $300   3,600  (website maints.)

    office supplies:     12 mos. @ $125   1,500   per year

    postage/shipping:    12 mos. @ $200   2,400

    telephone:           12 mos. @  $20     240

    mailbox rental:      12 mos. @  $30     360

    books/magazines:     12 mos. @  $25     300

    computer software:   12 mos. @ $100   1,200 (rebates to Dr. Alden)

    computer hardware:   12 mos. @ $200   2,400 (rebates to Dr. Alden)

    misc. court fees:    12 mos. @  $25     300


         Subtotal:                      $23,750


         Balance Forward:                  ($50)  (July 1, 2003)



     (Note:  expenses averaging less than $20/month are not shown)


9.   I expect a significant drop in monthly gross receipts during the summer months, when clients and customers are typically on vacation.  After that, receipts are expected to return to average levels.


10.  I have not paid an attorney and I am not willing to pay an attorney any money for services in connection with this case, including the completion of this form, because none in California is properly licensed under California State laws.  CBPC §§ 6067, 6068.

     Moreover, I have not met a single attorney who is competent to handle the merits of my case, and all California attorneys now appear to be violating §§ 6126, 6127 and 6128 of the California Business and Professions Code (“CBPC”).  Lex non cogit impossibilia.


11.  I have not paid anyone other than an attorney, and I am not willing to pay anyone other than an attorney any money for services in connection with this case, including completion of this form.


12.  The $300 docket fee has already been remitted, but now I can no longer afford the costs of re‑formatting, re‑printing, re‑binding and re‑serving my PETITION in Booklet Format.  Frankly, I misunderstood the Supreme Court Rules to allow petitions in 8½ x 11” format, even when the $300 docket fee was prepaid in full (via Postal Money Order).


13.  My lawful domicile is the California Republic.  I receive U.S. Mail care of a forwarding agent at the following mailing location:


     Forwarding Agent

 c/o UPS PMB #332

     501 W. Broadway, Suite “A”

     San Diego 92101



     Tel: (619) 234-5252 (messages)

     Fax: (619) 234-5272


     Age:  55  (date of nativity:  June 21, 1948 A.D.)


     Years of schooling:  (see Professional Resume attached)


     Social Security Number:  none (it’s a Ponzi Scheme!)



Dated:   June 21, 2003 A.D.  (55th Birthday)



Signed:  /s/ Paul Andrew Mitchell


Printed: Paul Andrew Mitchell, Petitioner In Propria Persona

         (notPro Se”:  se” is a neuter Latin pronoun)


I, Paul Andrew Mitchell, Sui Juris, hereby certify, under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the United States of America, without the “United States” (federal government), that I am at least 18 years of age, a Citizen of ONE OF the United States of America, and that I personally served the following document(s):





28 U.S.C. 1746(1)


by placing one true and correct copy of said document(s) in first class United States Mail, with postage prepaid and properly addressed to the following:


Clerk of Court (10x)

Supreme Court of the United States

One First Street, Northeast

Washington 20543-0001



Ropers, Majeski, Kohn & Bentley    DeForest & Koscelnik

(failed to exhibit oaths)         (failed to exhibit oath)

1001 Marshall Street               3000 Koppers Building

Redwood City 94063                 436 Seventh Avenue

CALIFORNIA, USA                    Pittsburgh 15219

                                   PENNSYLVANIA, USA


Murphy Austin Adams Schoenfeld LLP  Pillsbury Winthrop LLP

(failed to exhibit oaths)          (failed to exhibit oaths)

P.O. Box 1319                       400 Capitol Mall, Suite 1700

Sacramento 95812-1319               Sacramento 95814-4419



Curiale Dellaverson Hirschfeld     Quinn Emanuel Urquhart Oliver

Kraemer & Sloan, LLP               & Hedges, LLP

(failed to exhibit oaths)          (failed to exhibit oaths)

727 Sansome Street                 201 Sansome Street, 6th Floor

San Francisco 94111                San Francisco 94104



Office of the General Counsel      Paul Southworth

(failed to exhibit oaths)          2018 N. New Hampshire Ave.

University of California           Los Angeles 90027

1111 Franklin Street, 8th Floor    CALIFORNIA, USA

Oakland 94607-5200



Karl Kleinpaste                    Ram Samudrala

P.O. Box 1551                      UW Micro Box 357242

Beaver Falls 15010                 Seattle 98195-7242



Laskin & Guenard                   Rivkin Radler, LLP

(failed to exhibit oath)           (failed to exhibit oaths)

1810 South Street                  1330 N. Dutton Ave., #200

Sacramento 95814                   Santa Rosa 95401-4646



Harvey Siskind Jacobs LLP          Office of Solicitor General

(failed to exhibit oaths)          950 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W.

3 Embarcadero Center, Ste. 1060    Room 5614

San Francisco 94111                Washington 20530-0001



Register of Copyrights             Steinhart & Falconer LLP

Library of Congress                (failed to exhibit oaths)

101 Independence Avenue, S.E.      333 Market Street, 32nd Floor

Washington 20559-6000              San Francisco 94105-2150



Matheny Sears Linkert & Long LLP   Latham & Watkins

(failed to exhibit oaths)          (failed to exhibit oaths)

P.O. Box 13711                     633 West Fifth St., Ste. 4000

Sacramento 95853-4711              Los Angeles 90071-2007




Courtesy copy:


Hon. Sandra Day O’Connor (supervising)

Supreme Court of the United States

One First Street, Northeast

Washington 20543-0001



[Please see USPS Publication #221 for “addressing” instructions.]



Dated:   June 20, 2003 A.D.



Signed:  /s/ Paul Andrew Mitchell


Printed: Paul Andrew Mitchell, Petitioner In Propria Persona