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Did you ever think there would be an information service located in thePacific Northwest that offered the services of the big guys, AOL, CompuServeand GEnie, at ONLY 3% of the cost! Well, welcome to the Pacific Northwest'spremier Information Service. Fox Internet & Prostar Plus is the alternativeto the high price of CompuServe, GEnie, AOL or other remote systems.

ProStar Plus is a multi-user, multi-line system which utilizes the mostadvanced multi-user technology known to the computer world. ProStar Plusoffers exciting features such as the following:

1. Multi-user group and private chat through our teleconferencing link-up.

2. Special interest sub-boards that are run by the users, allow for privateand public replies, and allow for public conferences on topics of choice.Both local and international conferences.

3. News and industry publications.

4. Electronic mail with forwarding features and receipt requests.

5. A complete On-Line Shopping Mall featuring a vast array of productsincluding, but not limited to, computer hardware and software.

6. Real-time interactive games where players battle each other insteadof the computer. Monthly contests build up the excitement as they battleeach other for credit bonuses.

And of course, UNLIMITED ATTENDED internet usage!

Not excited with what Fox Internet has to offer? Well, have you everwished for a library of programs with thousands of titles at your fingertips?Have you ever needed that special program and did not wish to spend hundredsof dollars for a commercial program? Again Fox Internet has the answer!

Fox Internet has the largest collection of public domain/shareware programsin the Pacific Northwest. The system offers close to 200,000 titles on 20Gigabytes of storage. Thousands of useful programs, grouped in differentsubcategories, including hundreds of games, utilities, communications programs,financial and business programs, and much, much more.

All this for only a fraction of the cost of CompuServe and AOL, you ask?Our subscription rates are lower than any other comparable system. At only$.50 per hour we can not be beat! Membership subscriptions start at $5.00for 50,000 credits which gives you 10 hours of pure enjoyment. Subscriptionsmay be placed through the On-Line Credit Center, and may be purchased withyour Visa, Mastercard, Discover, cash, or check.

UNLIMITED ATTENDED internet usage accounts are available for as little as $9.95per month!

Fox Internet Membership Classes



This is our standard/basic membership with a rate of 50 cents per hour.It allows access to EVERYTHING on ProStar Plus, including all menu basedInternet, and PPP Services. Our basic membership is "credit based".A 10 hour block of credits (50,000 credits) costs $5.00. There are NO startup,monthly or any other additional charges associated with ProStar Plus.


Fox Standard Plan

The Fox Standard membership costs $14.95 per month and offers unlimitedattended access to all Internet Services, PPP/CSLIP, WWW News, etc AND allour traditional BBS style services. The $14.95 monthly charge is recurringuntil you tell us to stop. The Fox Standard Plan is a value that can't bebeat by anyone!

Note: All monthly service requires a one time $10.00activation fee.

Fox Plus Plan

The Fox Plus membership costs $9.95 per month and is available to existingFox Communications customers with one of the following FOX Services , Cellular,Long Distance, or DishNetwork. Fox Plus offers unlimited attended accessto all Internet Services, PPP/CSLIP, WWW News, etc AND all our traditionalBBS style services. The $9.95 monthly charge is recurring until you tellus to stop. The Fox Plus Plan is a value that can't be beat by anyone!

Note: All monthly service requires a one time $10.00 activation fee.

Fox Internet also has pricing plans available for those customerswhom plan to conduct business via the Internet. For more details pleasecall our sales staff at 1- 800-301-FOX1


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CompuServe is a trademark of H&R Block, Inc.
AOL is a trademark of America Online

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