Computer Technology Inventor Seeks Investors

in High-Speed Solid-State Computer Storage



Recent research has resulted in three (3)

Provisional Applications for U.S. Patents

in the area of solid-state data storage,

with further such Applications to be filed



The Inventor and Patent Applicant is ready

to share plans and parts lists to assemble

working prototypes demonstrating the first

of these 3 patents pending.


Market research has also confirmed technical

faults in competitive products that are not

being distributed in the USA presently.


The Inventor is now preparing Requests for

Quotations from integrated circuit R&D labs

to design and manufacture working prototypes.


Depending on the level(s) of investor interest,

further details about Patent Applications 2 and 3

can be made available, under non-disclosure terms

and conditions.


The Inventor is also open to proposals for

raising additional funds via a private offering

that complies with all SEC rules and regulations

governing same.


All funds received to date can be formally pledged

-- dollar-for-dollar -- to any such private offering,

with an option on any future public offering.


The initial par value of one private share is expected

to be $1.00 USD.


The Inventor reserves the right to maintain a 51% interest

in the total value of his inventions.


Interested and prospective investors should reply here

to request further confidential details.


A package of confidential information will be mailed to you,

upon receipt of $100.00 to offset R&D to date

plus all shipping and handling costs.



Thank you for your professional interest and consideration.



/s/ The Inventor